lady gaga songs are stuck in my head

Oct 12, 2011 16:35

I've been thinking about fannish endeavors lately and not just because
iamtheenemy likes to subtly remind me that I haven't posted recs in years and years. I've been battling an ongoing mix of ennui with a bigger case of wanting to be away from the computer when I'm not working. Unfortunately, that's not ideal for fannish pursuits, so I'm working on it. It would help if my laptop loaded within the current century, but it wants me to pay more attention to my desktop computer.

Anyway, with the new season of shows and the return of those I love (or used to love but are so far behind on now they've revoked my fangirl status), I'm trying to get back to more involved. Baby steps. Like thinking about what I would like to nominate for
yuletide. I love the New Girl and would love to see some Jess & the boys fic (and there is total Jess/Nick subtext to this show, though I'm not sure I'm on board that train yet), but I also love Against the Wall and falling skies and of course my old favorites like Veritas and The Class. Oh, small fandoms, I wish I knew how to quit you. Or I wish more talented writers wrote fic for you all the time.

From the new season of shows, I've picked up: the New Girl, Two Broke Girls, and Ringer. I'm also watching Terra Nova, but I'm not completely sold on it yet.

I need to watch Homeland and I'm kind of excited for Once Upon a Time.

Mostly, I'm just trying to stay afloat with my current faves while playing catch up on things that I've let slide. Why is there so much good tv?

What are your favorites this season? Anything I should be watching? And isn't it true that no matter what Hawaii 5-0 writers seem to want you to think, Danny and Steve are married and stuff?

television talk: misc, challenges: yuletide, television talk: hawaii 5-0

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