3 Drabbles - O.C., Roswell, Smallville

Apr 15, 2010 14:15

Three random drabbles...

1) response to challenge # 42 - It was a dark and stormy night.
Title: The Scare
Characters: Michael/Maria, Roswell

It was a dark and stormy night, she noticed, her eyes moving from the television to the large bay windows. Wasn't that always the way? A scary movie accompanied by a storm and suddenly…there is a maniac in the bushes planning to kill her.

She needed to stop watching these movies on nights when Michael had to work late, she decided, pretending not to notice the thumping of branches against the windows or strange howl of the moon. Instead, she shut her eyes and hummed a tune.

Her eyes jolted open when she a hand grasped her shoulder. She jumped, ready to swing, but Michael shouted, "It's me."

"I've gotta stop watching these movies," she said to him.

2) response to first line meme
Title: Heartbreak
Characters: Seth/Ryan, The O.C.

Ryan never knew it could hurt like this. He thought he was immune to this sort of heartbreak after his childhood. He thought that growing up without a father, an alcoholic mother, and a crazy brother had made it damn near impossible for him to feel like this.

It was the one thing he was always grateful for from his upbringing - that people couldn't get to him.

Obviously that was before he met Seth.

He kept repeating Kirsten's words in his head, "He's gone, Ryan. He left."

Gone. Seth was gone. Seth had left him.

Ryan felt like he couldn't breathe every time he thought about it. It was if someone had taken a rusty piece of metal and shoved it into his gut, twisting it around for kicks. So he tried not to think about it, which was about as useful as spoon when trying to catch a fish, because then it was the pink elephant in the room with him all the time. All the time.

Seth's smile, Seth's stupid jokes that Ryan laughed at simply because Seth laughed, and Seth's way of looking at the world. That was disappeared when Seth did and Ryan needed that.

Ryan needed Seth.

3) 2nd response to first line meme
Title: Moment of Bliss
Characters: Chloe, Clark - Smallville

The feeling of sunlight warm against her skin slowly coerced Chloe to waking. She turned on her side and noticed Clark curled up in a rocking chair next to her bed. She watched him for a few minutes, sleeping peacefully, and she wondered exactly when Clark Kent had decided to become her personal savior. She couldn't decide if it was because Lana was officially off the market, if maybe thinking she had died had made him come to his senses, or if he was simply being Clark, Mr. Protector.

No matter what his reasoning, she didn't want it to stop. She was once again getting attached to his undivided attention, something that had waned over the years.

Chloe cleared her throat loudly. Clark's eyes fluttered open and landed on her immediately. They exchanged smiles and Chloe thought, "I definitely don't mind this."

challenges: drabble-a-thons, fanfiction: smallville, fanfiction: roswell, fanfiction: the o.c., pairing: michael/maria, pairing: seth/ryan

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