7 Alias 100 Drabbles

Apr 15, 2010 14:02

Alias drabbles written for one of the drabble communities.

1) response to challenge # 43 - blue
Title: Eyes of A Sadist
Pairing: Sarkney

It's his eyes, she decides. She was always a sucker for blue eyes and she's noticed the way his dark blue ones follow her around a room. It's disconcerting, especially since she can still see the soul of a sadist reflect out at her, but she feels drawn to them. Drawn to him. She finds herself making the first move yet again, enclosing the distance between them, and practically pressing herself against his chest.

He's well versed in the game and simply states, "Hello Sydney."

She smiles, knowing what comes next, and responds, "Sark" before moving those last few centimeters until her lips are touching his.

2) response to challenge # 45 - january
Title: The Jog
Summary: Syd. Angst. Need there be more?

It was abnormally warm for January, she thought, jogging through the park. It was her only remaining link to her past-sprinting as fast as she could until her feet gave out or her lungs collapsed. In those few moments, her only concern was reaching the finishline and she could forget how meaningless everything felt this past year.

She wiped the sweat from her brow, pretending not to notice him sitting on the bench. He glanced at her and she wondered if he was searching for the same thing she did, seeking refuge in their old routines despite how things had changed.

3) response to challenge # 46 - mirage
Title: Desert Mirage
Summary: Syd. Thinking of Sark.

The desert was becoming too common a locale, Sydney decided, staring out the window of the utility vehicle. It seemed every mission was too common of an occurrence, usually ending with her and Vaughn uncomfortably ignoring one another while the covenant succeeded in another well placed hit.

Sydney squinted into the sunlight, and blinked against the vision of Sark riding a horse about 100 yards away. It can't be, must be a mirage, she thought, replaying her last conversation with him--infuriating, making her unsure whether to kill him or kiss him.

4) response # 1 to Challenge # 47 - Strange
Title: The Strange, Part I
Summary: Syd. Thinking of Sark.

Strange, Sydney decides, is experiencing an emotion grander than love and hate, but as complicated as both.

Strange is having that feeling for a psychopath.

Strange is the only word to describe the adrenaline coursing through her or the compulsion to get closer to him whenever he smirks in her direction.

Strange is the way she feels when he's not around or wakes up in some hotel room to find that he's left already, but everything still smells of him.

Strange is the explanation she supplies her father with when he badgers her for a reason-why, how-that she loves Sark.

5) response # 2 to Challenge # 47 - Strange
Title: The Strange, Part II
Summary: Sark. Thinking of Syd.

Strange, Sark decides, is the way a woman like Sydney moves-determined and sure of herself all the while fighting not to drown in her emotions.

Strange is the magnetic pull he feels toward her when she pretends not to notice he's in a room, brushing past him without so much as a hello or a punch in the face.

Strange is how she tastes salty like tequila-he imagined a more wholesome taste like strawberries or vanilla.

Strange is the fact that for some reason she chooses him. Over Michael Vaughn, over her father, over her job. She chooses him.

6) response to challenge # 48 - Father's Day
Title: Card Shopping
Characters: Sydney, Vaughn

Sydney stared at the father's day cards, perusing over words of love and pride. Things she could no longer muster within herself, feeling only the betrayal and pain of her father's lies.

He always warned her about setting herself up for disappointment, but she never imagined it would be him-pretty stupid considering their history of half-truths.

She should've known better. When would she learn her lesson and stop trusting all the wrong people?

Familiar hands rested on her shoulders, turning her around and greeting her with a reassuring smile. She forced a smile and said, "Take me home, Michael."

7) my response to challenge # 49 - truth or dare
Title: Truth or Dare
Characters: Sydney/Sark

Being around Sark was like living in a neverending game of truth or dare. Except he never dared her with words. It was all in that smirk and the way his crystal eyes gleamed as he shrugged, as though to call you a coward or question your integrity, without a peep.

It drove her crazy. Worse was the fact that she always ended up going along with him, finding herself in situations more and more often where she forgot who she was supposed to be and acted out like some sex-crazed teenager, a woman with no moral compass to match his own lacking.

challenges: drabble-a-thons, pairing: syd/sark, fanfiction: alias

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