It's flipping freezing in my house. But my sister and I are determined (or determined to try) to make it to November before turning on the heat, barring evil Day After Tomorrow type storming. However, sitting at my desk actually makes me think, "Snuggy not such a bad thing." Yeah, it's that cold.
I've finally managed to catch up and comment on my friends list for a few days. I apologize that I haven't been that active. I just started working out again a few weeks ago and trying to get my schedule figured out is really hard. Or I am just dead tired after work and exercise and life. I love Fall, but I think a weird sort of ennui sets in.
--I'm caught up on Castle. I love this show. I wasn't sure I would because the pilot last spring was not that great...but I'm glad I went ahead and watched past it. Sometimes it pays off (of course, sometimes it makes you cry).
Castle was picked up by his daughter's babysitter. ::giggles:: I just, that's so perfect. And then him forcing her to call him "Mr. Castle." And much do I love that Beckett was a model? I had a feeling the husband did it because with this show it's never who they're leading you toward...and c'mon, unfortunately, it's usually the husband who does it.
--Watched the first episode of this season's Brothers and Sisters. Alas, only the first, but god, I love my Walkers and a party almost as much as I love Kevin and Scotty. No spoilers - all I will say is that Rebecca's dress for the engagement party was so beautiful. If only I had her body to wear such a thing. Now I just need to watch the next two.
--I love Glee. It makes me happy. It's a theater nerd's dream and And it makes me happy (if not surprised) that Fox gave it a real chance to grow. I like that they're starting to give a little more depth to Quinn beyond evil head cheerleader. And I continue to love Finn even if he's dumb as dirt. Because he's just so earnest about it. it's all so awesome.
--Have not watched Supernatural yet. I think I've developed some weird thing where I have to watch two episodes at once, as I did that for 5.1 & 5.2 and then 5.3 & 5.4. I need to get a multi-room dvr thing because it's in our main tv room and it's just not where I like to watch Supernatural. I can't explain it logically because it's beyond rational behavior. But I like my Sam and Dean time to be my happy place where I'm not judged for squeeing or being upset or basically hollering at the television. And my sister? She judges.
Have been thinking about
yuletide. Not just what to nominate, but what I would want to request and such. Greek? Glee? Harper's Island? Veritas the Quest? I'm a small fandom girl a lot of the time, so to narrow it down is quite hard for me.
What are some of you considering? I'm sure I'm forgetting things - I always do.
I'm pretty sure that's the only holiday challenge I'm signing up for this year. I'm not sure how I'm going to be around the holidays - it's the first one without my mom - so I don't want to extend myself. At the same time, I don't want to take away some of the stuff that's always made the holiday more enjoyable (like yuletide) so that I can just sit around in a fit of misery. Fun times. Though I wonder if "gotta read yuletide archive" will get me out of the 10,000 pity-holiday-dinner-invites I've already received. Must contemplate.
I'm hoping this weekend to get caught up on some reading of fanfic so that I can continue with the reccing that I used to do. I'm pretty sure Steph is going to have me murdered soon.
Have a good one!