I shall send Bing Crosby to sing to you...

Dec 25, 2007 22:17

Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! Happy Tuesday to everyone! My day was nice and relaxing. We woke up early to exchange gifts with immediate family and had breakfast. Then my sister and I went to a movie. Afterwards, we played games on the Wii and I took a nap. Now I've started reading yuletide fic and wow, there are so many stories. Alas, I was only able to write one extra story as a treat yesterday because of insanity in life.

Anyway, I now have new books, movies, and such to keep me entertained. I highly recommend everyone go see the movie Juno because it was awesome. Funny and sweet and a little bit bizarre. I adored it.


I've started a list of yuletide recs as I go through the plethora of fic, but I must squee about the two fics in the archive for me. They are both wonderful and amazing and so utterly perfect. I was seriously dancing about like a loon after I read them. And then my sister danced about like a loon with me when she saw that one was Alice/Jasper (because while, she's not into fandom, she does love Alice/Jasper).

So go read and adore (like you should):

1) Meeting the Cullens - Twilight, Alice/Jasper [R]

2) These Three Words Have Said It All - The Outsiders

I seriously have read them a few times already. And GAH. My heart.

Thank you so much, Santa(s). You are awesome!


sn_holidays fic has started to trickle in. I need to finish mine up. Same goes for spn_holidays. Oh, fic galore.

recs: my recs, real life: holidays, challenges: yuletide

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