5 Things Meme - Multifandom

Aug 31, 2006 09:43

Okay, the Devil's Trap thing is still KICKING MY ASS. I'm up to 21 freaking pages and it's still nowhere near done. Oh, how do I get myself into these things?

Due to this reason, I went through and picked one choice for the "top five" meme for each person at the moment. I'll go back and do the rest once I beat this beast of a story into submission and make it cry like a little girl.

So yeah...

For phoebesmum - Sports Night - five impossible things Dan Rydell believed before breakfast?

1. “There are alligators in the sewers,” he told Casey one morning. Casey said something that involved the words “no coffee yet” and “drunk off your ass” when Dan explains that he realized the truth about alligators when he saw a baby one swim up the toilet.

2. It’s not too late for him to win an Olympic medal in figure skating. That guy in Cutting Edge did it, right?

3. When he was seven, he woke up and simply knew that he could fly. He didn’t even stop to have his Frosted Flakes before heading to the roof.

4. When he was seventeen and stoned, he remembered that he could fly. His stupid friends wouldn’t let him prove it though.

5. After Sports Night got cancelled and Dan took the job in Los Angeles, he would sit at his breakfast bar and remind himself that he didn’t really love Casey and that things would be just fine out there.

For deirdre_c - Supernatural Five times Dean disobeyed John

1. His father told Dean to stop beating up Sam’s bullies for him, that Sam needed to learn how to stand up for himself, but Dean didn’t see any reason for it. That’s what big brothers were for.

2. Despite how many times his father told him not to, Dean couldn’t stop himself from sending Sammy a couple hundred bucks whenever he could.

3. “Never tell anyone what we do” was ingrained in his brain from the time he was four years old, but somehow it didn’t seem right to keep the truth from Cassie. She was staring at him with this hurt expression, like how could you leave me behind, and he had to explain - make her understand - that she was the first person he felt comfortable around in a long time and that he didn’t want to leave. It was just his job.

4. He tried out for the football team his sophomore year of high school. Made the starting line up too. Of course, he ended up missing the first game when he had to go on a hunt for a werewolf with his father. The coach cut him from the team, ranting on about Dean’s lack of discipline and follow through.

5. John held Dean’s hand in the hospital and said, “Don’t you give up, son. Your family needs you. That’s an order.” John refused to listen to the doctors or to Bobby or to Sam when he was told that Dean was gone.

For chickpea - Wonderfalls - Five times Jaye almost seriously told Eric about the talking animals.

1. It was the stupid porcelain duck’s fault. Like it wasn’t bad enough that it convinced her (with hours of quack, quack, quacking while she tried to sleep) to go to some Daddy-Daughter-makes-you-want-to-poke-your-eyes-out benefit at the country club with her father…but now, it was quacking while she was otherwise engaged with Eric. When Eric pulled away from her with a curious expression, she wanted nothing more than to point at the damn duck, or to throw it against a wall. She really didn’t want him to think that she quacked when she orgasmed. That was just…creepy.

2. It’s not like she wanted to go out on a date with that loser from her high school class. She didn’t even like the guy. But the stupid waxed lion knew how to torment her into doing things with his satanic singing. She just had to make Eric understand that.

3. When the bar’s stupid bass told her that “truth sets you free”, she found herself getting very drunk and confessing the hundreds of different things she loved about Eric, ranging from his smile to the way he tolerated her relationship with the talking animals.

4. Jaye didn’t mean to get Eric arrested. It was a simple misunderstanding.

5. Aaron would not stop going on about the cow creamer or pestering her to know if it had sent her any more “missions.” Like being on a double date with your best friend and brother wasn’t bad enough, but the looks Eric kept shooting her were getting hard to ignore. It was the truth or explaining that Aaron used to wear a special helmet.

For aliaspiral - Joan of Arcadia - Five times Adam met God without knowing him.

1. Adam rushed off the school property, unsure of where he was going or how anything like this could’ve happened. His Jane wouldn’t have destroyed his art. She understood how important it was, what it meant to him, but she had done it. As he ran across the street, some random dude called out to him from the bench, “there is a reason for everything.” Adam glanced back at the guy, who smiled at him, and added, “The hardest days usually amount to the most.”

2. Adam never really prayed before so he wasn’t sure why he had gone to the hospital’s chapel. But sitting out in the waiting room with Joan’s family was starting to freak him out. A little old lady sat down next to him and let out a deep breath. When Adam looked at her, she smiled this…amazing…smile and said, “I know He hears us. We just don’t always understand his answer.”

3. He thought about writing Joan every day while she was at camp. He sat in the park with a pen and paper, but the words wouldn’t come out. A little girl chasing a butterfly passed by him a few times before stopping in front of the table. It was a little freaky to have this little girl staring at him like he could see inside his head. And then she said, “Your paper is blank.” When he nodded, she said, “Maybe you’re trying too hard.” She went back to chasing her butterfly and Adam realized words were never his thing anyway - he would make Joan something.

4. As everyone walked away from his mother’s grave to head back to the house, Adam noticed an old woman watching him in the distance. She smiled, waved, and turned in the other direction. It was weird, but it was the first thing that made him feel even a little bit better since his mom died.

5. He was only twenty-five years old. He was only just starting to get his career to where he wanted it to go…the doctor had to be wrong. Adam sat down on a bench in the park and tried to process the news he had received. A young girl - she really looked familiar, but Adam didn’t know why - sat down next to him. She didn’t say anything, just smiled and covered his hand with her small one.

For iamtheenemy - Alias - Five people Sark didn't kill, even though he could have.

1. Everyone, including himself, was always so in awe of Sydney Bristow’s abilities, but he had a few opportunities to kill her. He never could do it. She was too much fun to have around. Too beautiful. Too deadly. Too good of an opponent. There was no one else that he ever felt challenged around.

2. Sark once sat next to Tom Cruise on a trip to London. “Such a nice guy” is what everyone says, but Sark thought he was bloody boring. Kept talking about his kids and being a normal person and some guy named “Xenu” - it would’ve been so easy to break his neck without causing a distraction.

3. Sometimes Sark wonders if things would’ve been easier if he had simply killed Sloane when he had the chance.

4. Will Tippin was the most annoying sort of guy. Everyone liked him, women wanted to take care of him. He was the type of guy that could take a cold-hearted killer like Allison and turn her into a contrarian. The type of guy that Sark couldn't even kill because he might've been a teensy bit afraid of Sydney's retribution.

5. Anna Espinosa thought she was the greatest spy to ever live. It wasn’t as though Sark was under any misconception that he was - he saved titles like that for Irena and Sydney - but it bothered him that the woman had such an ego. He should’ve put the bullet in her back in Johannesburg when he had the chance, if only to shut her up about how great she was.


Okay, I will finish this story today and then watch my betas' heads explode when they try to make heads or tails of this thing.

Ciao, my friends.

fanfiction: wonderfalls, fanfiction: supernatural, challenges: 5 things meme, fanfiction: sports night, fanfiction: joan of arcadia, fanfiction: alias

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