Quick Update...

Sep 13, 2005 19:27

So... People have complained that I haven't updated you all on my insignificant life... So here goes. I'll just copy and paste from my art pages.

The most recent stuff starts with:
So much has happened in the past month or so. It would be impossible to tell you all of it. I've finally got a decent animation out and I have ideas for more. Nothing like the movies anyone else has come up with... Yet. But it's a start. I'm beginning to finally find my own style.

The support of my newfound friends, and of my more long-standing ones has been brilliant. They've given me confidence, critiques, and the inspiration to continue, right as I was starting to think leaving school to follow my dream of animation was a silly idea.

JMC has taught me some things and helped me to find direction for my art. I don't think I want to go into the games industry like I was planning to. And I don't think I want to do 3D animation either. I'm not sure that I want to work for someone else. I know I want to do my own animations. I just don't know how I am going to live off my own art because it's not exactly going to rake in the cash.

There's some new and exciting things ahead for me. Some are in the long term and others are coming up sooner. I've just got to ensure that I get on top of my work for uni so that I can enjoy them as they come. I'm totally looking forward to all improvements in my life.

I don't think you can expect any new art from me (excepting the posting of old stuff here) for a bit. Things have gone from great to revolting in the matter of five minutes. Things here really suck. My parents' relationship is hanging by a thread and as a result things are pretty stressed. I've managed to take it out on all the people I care about, including my family. I'm stressed out and am not sleeping or eating all that well. Any art I create will most likely be of inferior quality and won't even make it as far as the web.

However, on a lighter note, I am gaining confidence in my art. It has been recieved well both in real life and on the net and it's given me the confidence to keep going. I'd hit a point where I thought leaving school to follow my dreams had been a really bad move but I have seen myself improve a hundredfold just in the past month and the support of my friends has been amazing. I'm hoping to keep challenging myself with new and better things. I've got some ideas for mini projects (no real major ones as of yet though).

Finally, The Most Recent Stuff (Today):
After all that life turning to shit stuff... My life turns wonderful again. All thanks to a guy from uni. I bumped into him at the tram station today because I decided to leave early and we got talking... And somehow got onto the topic of his band... Which reminds me... I have to listen to the CD he gave me. *Puts CD on* And he asked me if I knew anyone that was good with websites. For some reason I decided to suggest myself. Which now that I think of it isn't all that silly... I have been making websites since I was 10.

He's very enthusiastic about it and has sent me some ideas. I've told him that I can start looking at in about a week. Best of all he's offered me $100 for the job plus he'll pay me to update and maintain it. ^^ Brilliant. $100 for a website isn't particularly good money but it should be easy enough to make. And it'll be fun. Good advertising for myself too. Anyone else looking for someone to make a website for them? Thought not lol.

I've also got to approach my mum's friend Christina about her site for her business... That's another $200 or so plus maintenance pay... If I approach her about it.

All in all... My life's still sitting pretty unstable with all the stuff at home but I am really excited about this project... The money's not an issue anymore seeing as I celebrated the potential to make $100 be spending $150... Ooops.

Now don't bitch for a while, kay?
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