May 27, 2007 00:01
dear world...
i thank you for all the great moments, the needless drama, the relationships you've given me, and all that other shit...
but why the fuck can is it that i just can't fucking comprehend you? why the hell do my friends tell me i'm just fucking dense and shit? and why the shit can't i just see things like the ignorant masses instead of being like Lord Ilpalatzo? why does everyone have to preach to me that my ideals are fuct up when i already know this and admit to them that i know i'm fuct up? why is it that the assholes get the girls and the nice guys get the STDS?
seriously, i'm almost done with this shit man...
one of us is gonna have to straighten our shit out world... and that ain't gonna be me, bitch...
it ain't gonna be me...
so as i go into the next whatever the fuck stage of life i'm in... just know that i'll still be me...
an extremely intelligent creationist, cigarette smoking, bushido code following, us marine, arrogant, misanthropic, immature, logical, and lazy dumbass... and don't you forget it...
i'll be around for a while, world... come by so we can chat, have you tell me how stupid i am, get pissed when i call you names back, light a smoke, and chat some more...
no more searching for truth and answers and shit... cause we make our own truth and all that...
so i bid you adieu, i'mma go get drunk and play some halo 2, bitches!