Title: To the Waterfall
crescent_gaiaFandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Aragorn, Arwen
Pairing: Aragorn/Arwen
Genre: Romance
Rating: Rish
Prompt: #23 - Creek @
story_lotterySummary: Aragorn and Arwen spend their last moments alone before he leaves.
Spoilers: For Fellowship and some of the entire story, maybe.
Warning(s): Nudity and a close sexual situation.
Word Count: 1,032
Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings or any of its characters.
A/N: This is also being used for
springkink prompt “Lord of the Rings, Aragorn/Arwen; mystical beauty/magic, after the kiss by the waterfall”. Due to being at 120 tags, I could not create the fandom tag for this. Sorry!
Aragon looked at her after they gently ended their kiss. He held the necklace in his hand, knowing exactly what she meant and it scared him. It scared him to know that she would give up so much for him when he had very little to give up for her. “Arwen,” he whispered as he tried to make words for what he wanted to say. Nothing came out of his mouth but her name that passed her lips. He looked to her, seeing her turn and come back to him. “Arwen,” he whispered, trying once more to form words.
Arwen smiled, softly kissing his cheek as her love tried to form words. He amused her more times than she could count and these were again one of those times. She gently lifted his chin so that he would look at her. “I am not taking it back,” she whispered to him in the Elven tongue. “I love you and I would follow you to the end of this world and beyond to the next. I know what it means to choose a mortal life, my love.”
“I am not worthy of this and you know it,” he whispered back to her as he looked down at the necklace. He knew that she would never take his rebuttal as his answer though.
“I think you are,” she whispered. “You know your destiny and you are the one who needs to claim it. If my love helps you with that decision, then I would give it a hundred times. You know you are the only one who can unite the worlds of man, my love.”
He nodded a yes as his mind wandered back to the sword that laid in pieces in the hall. He knew the destiny of his ancestors - of his first ancestor - as he sighed softly. “I cannot go on that road. I am afraid of where it will go,” he answered honestly. He could be nothing but honest with her.
“Then trust me when I say that you will be great. You will be more than your ancestors could ever be, my love,” she whispered as she softly kissed his lips again. After she gently broke the kiss, she looked to the waterfall behind them as her eyes went down to the pool of the waterfall and the creek below. She then moved her eyes to the sky, her mind quickly knowing that they would have at least three hours to themselves before anybody would come and look for them. She wanted one last night with her love before he went on his journey to make sure that the One Ring was destroyed and there was peace to all lands. “Shall we?” She asked as she looked back to him, knowing that he didn’t really need to sleep all night. She would make sure that he got a hour or two before leaving though.
“Do what?” He asked with a grin as he looked to the waterfall, the pool, and the creek that connected the waterfall with the rest of the water. “I do think a swim would be nice, if you wanted one.”
“You read my mind sometimes,” she said with a smile as she took his hand to lead him down the path towards the waterfall pool. “Besides, we have hours to ourselves.”
“We do,” he said quietly as he took her hand and kissed it. He knew that he didn’t need to sleep in order to be at his best when the fellowship left in the morning. He would take pleasure in the small moments that they would have together.
She grinned as they got to the waterfall pool, gently letting go of his hand as she started to undress. She looked over her shoulder to see that he was doing the same thing and watching her out of the corner of his eye. She smiled at that, turning back to the task at hand to finish undressing. She gently placed the dress aside as well as her undergarments before walking into the pool of water. She swam towards the creek for a moment to look back at him. We are very similar - man and elf. The only difference is how we age and that we diminish instead of going into the land of death. Father sees the difference and is afraid of it. I see the difference and embrace it with all of my being. For without that, I could not even fathom the thought of loving a man instead of an elf.
He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her while he gently pulled her closer to him. He kissed her shoulder before softly kissing the middle of her neck. “What are you thinking of, love?” He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer or not. Sometimes the answers that she gave contained information he did not wish to know just yet. But sometimes the information helped to save him rather than harm him.
“Different things here and there,” she said as she turned in his arms to face him. She softly kissed his lips, moving her body closer to his.
“What sort of different things?” He asked as he kissed her shoulder and swam them towards the waterfall. “Are you having visions again, love?”
“I always have visions,” she reminded him with a grin. “I am my father’s daughter.”
He chuckled. “I know love, I just - what have you been Seeing?”
She looked at him, debating about what to tell him. Her visions were not as strong as her father’s yet, but she caught glimpses here and there. She knew that death would follow him on his quest, along with a breaking, but the end was too far away for her to see. She sighed softly as she kept close to him. “I have been seeing many things that do not make sense to even me. Please don’t ask me love - it will not make sense. You will be grasping at straws rather than looking at the bigger picture.”
“Of course,” he said quietly as he drew her into the waterfall as they spent their time together underneath it.