Title: The Stasis of Benches
Author: Stablergirl
Fandom: Bones
Characters: Booth, Brennan
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Genre: UST, Romance, Inner-monologue
Rating: E for Everyone
Prompt: 03. a park bench @
story_lottery Summary: Booth and Brennan have a cryptic conversation while stuck in traffic.
Spoilers: Vague spoilers for Season 4.
Warnings: Just the usual warnings for these two - frustration, mostly.
Word Count: 2,245 (according to Mic. Word)
Disclaimer: Bones does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. And because of that, I promise to do dirty things with it later. Not now, but soon.
A/N: This is my maiden Bones voyage. Never before charted territory for me, so I'm sorry if it's not quite up to par. I figured a story lottery was as good an opportunity as any to broaden my fandom horizons. Unbeta'd, so let me know what you think!
This story hangs out at my place.