Title: No Exit But The Final Exit
matrixrefugeeFandom: “Yami no Matsuei” (aka Descendants of Darkness)
Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matsuei, aka Descendants of Darkness, it’s characters, concepts and other indicia, which are the intellectual property of Yoko Matsushita, Hiroko Tokita, Manga Entertainment, Viz Media, Hakusensha, Central Park Media, et al.
Pairing/Characters: Kazutaka Muraki
Prompt: 3.25 - a cell
Words: 1,393
Rating: M for mature content (dubious consent, general weirdness)
Summary: Post Kyoto arc -- Muraki finds out who was behind the blinding white light which snatched him from the burning ruins of his laboratory…
Author’s Note: Written in part for
carpe_ho_ras and partly because it’s my take on what happens to Muraki after Vol. 8 of the manga/the last episode of the anime
( He could barely lift his eyelids.. )