Title: Building with Snow
Author: Tatra
Fandom: A-Team (Original TV Show verse)
Characters: Hannibal, Face, B.A. and Murdock
Pairing: N/A
Genre: Family
Rating: PG
Prompt: Lottery 3's 7 - An Igloo @
story_lotterySummary: The A-Team builds a lot of things with snow.
Spoilers: As long as you have a basic understanding of the A-Team, you're good.
Warning(s): N/A
Word Count: 370
Disclaimer: I do not own the A-Team.
A/N: I finally got started on the stories for the Amnesty Period. :D Also, a fandom tag is needed, awesome mod. :D
“Why does it have to be an igloo?” Face complained as he patted loose snow into the cracks of the stacked ice blocks. He paused and wiggled his hands in front of his face. “I can’t feel my hands anymore; why can’t we go and stay at that resort a while back? I could get us in for free, you know that.”
“Because the resort is where the Narez brothers like to spend their evenings and we really don’t need them knowing that Dominic Morlino does not own a mansion in the mountains,” Hannibal answered.
“But why does it have to be an igloo? Couldn’t we just set up tents or something?” Face tried. B.A. growled at him, making him return to filling in the cracks to the igloo.
“Oh, come on, Facey, I like our igloo. It’s going to be cozier than tents, I promise,” Murdock said as he clapped a handful of snow onto Face’s shoulder.
“I don’t want cozier, I want to be warm.” Face sighed. “Oh, to be sitting by the fire, with a mug of hot chocolate, and surrounded by all of those ski bunnies.”
“You just want to be able to flirt with those women,” B.A. grumbled as he put another block on top of the others.
“Don’t worry, Face, I’ll surround you with women,” Murdock cheered.
“What are you doing, fool? You’re supposed to be helping us out with the igloo, not playing around in the snow,” B.A. said. They all paused to look over to Murdock, wondering what he was up to now.
“I’m making snowmen, and snowwomen,” Murdock answered, motioning towards the two figures already made.
“Giving Face some competition?” Hannibal asked, a grin on his face. If he had a cigar currently burning, he would be happily puffing away, but working with the snow forced him to be without.
“Of course,” Murdock answered. “Faceman needs a challenge now and then.”
“Man, get back over here and help us with this igloo. The whole thing was your idea, the least you could do was help out,” B.A. said as he grabbed Murdock by the hood. B.A. handed Murdock a handful of loose snow and set him to work.
This lasted until Murdock made a snow ball and started a war.