Title: Language Or The Kiss
ilovecsr Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters: Callie Torres, Erica Hahn
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: # 6 - an elevator @
story_lotterySummary: A week after the kiss outside the hospital, Erica finds Callie in an elevator
Spoilers: Season 4 finale of Grey's Anatomy
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 1,614
Disclaimer: Not mine, will never be mine, though if anyone has a spare Sara Ramirez hanging around, I'll more than gladly take her. I don't own any characters herein, and I will return them (mostly) unharmed once I'm done playing. I am making no money from writing these stories. As a non-profit interpretation of the original work, this constitutes fair use under USC 17.107.
A/N: Thank you to my beta,
iammeyouareyou . Written for the prompt "elevator" at
story_lottery , and for prompt 38 "fingers" on the
smut table.
Language Or The Kiss