Title: “What Price Beauty?”
matrixrefugeeFandom: Crossover: “Yami no Matsuei” (aka Descendants of Darkness)/”Kushiel’s Legacy”
Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matsuei, aka Descendants of Darkness, it’s characters, concepts and other indicia, which are the intellectual property of Yoko Matsushita, Hiroko Tokita, Manga Entertainment, Viz Media, Hakusensha, Central Park Media, et al. I do not own "Kushiel's Legacy”, its characters, settings, concepts or other indicia, which are the property of Jacqueline Carey, Grand Central Publishing, et al
Pairing/Characters: The Steward, the Trader, possible analogues of two main male characters
Prompt: 3. 16 - a souk
Words: 1,066
Rating: PG-13 (thematic elements, including slave trading and sensual content, also brief language)
Summary: In an alternate version of the Book World, the Steward purchases the freedom of a pair of young men from a faraway land…
Author’s Note: The idea for this fic came about from a conversation among the
carpe_ho_ras crowd about sorting one’s RP characters. I offered the Houses of the Court of Night Blooming Flowers as a possibility. Since I’m RP’ing both Tsuzuki and Muraki (and more or less managed to keep them apart for a month now), I couldn’t resist sorting these two gents from the Far East, which got me to thinking of writing a crackfic… and then I ran across the series of crossovers written by
lynndyre. Though the plot and execution are all my own, I’ll admit, I borrowed the idea of setting all this in an alternate version of the book-verse of Vol 5 of the manga from them: It would not surprise me if Hakushaku has a Jacqueline Carey-esque model of the self-writing novel (I’ve even joked that he’s responsible for some of the very strange YnM fics I’ve run across).
"'Whence come these youths?' the Steward asked the Trader.. " )