Note to self: Don't rely on your partner to do the coding assignment if he's not a fabulous coder and you already know this. Doesn't matter that you were the one to code and hand in the first assignment (for a perfect score) cause you two didn't communicate, so it's only fair that he gets to do this one. Now the assignment is due in a few hours and you're figuring you might ditch class (ok doesn't matter cause prof doesn't take attendance or collect homework, but still) to finish up/clean up, if your partner sends you what he's finished. At least your partner for the next assignment seems to know what he's doing. (Same partner for first two cause they're linked, different for rest cause well not.)
edited to add: You are missing class to error check, fix his errors, clean up formatting, and code in stuff that was supposed to checked for. At least it'll be done in time. Oh and you've now gotta sort through some wierd error that shouldn't be happening. At least now there's no guilt about leaving him to code.
Group work, that bane of all engineering students. Everyone complains about group work cause most of the time some problem occurs. I always joke that I'm the one my partners complain about, but at least I really do get things done (well) before they need to be handed in.
So, group work horror stories?
Oh, and a rec for any writers on my group who don't already own it. Anne Stilman's
Grammatically Correct is a 7 dollar guide to all things writing. It's clear, concise, even interesting at times. Great explanations, drills to test skills, and lots of obscure little quirks thrown in. Plus it's pocket size.