Lothar called and gave us the speed and bearing of the USS Suida Viarum's
warp core, which I captured using Surak's Razor's tractor beam and stowed in the cargo hold with the ship's grappler arms. Lothar will be aboard shortly, along with the Doctor Khan clone who had been stationed aboard
starbase668, at which point we shall be leaving immediately. It seems as though the station's command staff is more than happy about our imminent departure, as they are rushing through the required formalities faster than we are. We will be making a stop along the way to install the new warp core, and then shall proceed to rendezvous with the USS Murgatroid. As the Murgatroid is currently
under the command of another Doctor Khan and speeding in this direction, we shall be able to meet at the halfway point in
under 48 hours -- the greater speed possible with the Suida Viarum's warp core will more than cancel out the time required to install it; but we shall wait until we are safely away before we take our own off-line to make the switch.
Lothar has also provided the other Khan on the Drunken Bastard with a small assortment of parts which the doctor
had requested. "Lothar, old boy," he said, "once we're under way, you must tell me how you got your hands on all this stuff." I must admit that I, too, am curious -- I have received no complaints from the Suida Viarum, which means that Lothar has either displayed remarkable stealth and subtlety, or he has simply rendered them unable to complain. This Doctor Khan plans to finish his work here before departing, and meet us at the rendezvous with the USS Murgatroid. We should be able to arrive at more-or-less the same time. Khan believes that he will be able to restore
capt_terminal to his previous state, provided that Terminal can be brought aboard the Mustang. It shall be up to me to take care of Captain
Storvik out.