I awoke this morning with a horrible hangover; this is an unusual occurrence, especially given that I was not consuming alcohol yesterday. Lothar
drank prodigiously, even consuming the bottles for good measure; but I am unaware of any alcoholic phenomena of the same ilk as "second-hand smoke damage" or "contact buzz". But yet, Lothar is sleeping like a baby, or so the idiom goes; but a baby of what abnormal species I cannot say -- and I feel as though I had consumed at least two liters of Romulan ale myself.
It is possible that I am suffering from a reaction brought on by overwork and stress,
as had happened on out previous stay at
starbase668. I do have the ability to transfer, via
mild meld, hangovers from one person to another -- but I have not had any physical contact with Lothar, so I could not possibly have done so even subconsciously while sleeping. If Lothar had
broadcast telepathy, then he could theoretically have transferred a hangover to me while I slept (and perhaps, subconsciously, while he slept as well) -- but I would prefer not to even ponder the hypothetical situation of Lothar with telepathy.
In any event, we are on our way to contact Doctor Khan; so I need only subject myself to an examination with him to verify that nothing more serious is the matter -- I shall consider "overwork and stress" to be the operative theory until then. I shall merely give myself an analgesic injection with
the hypospray in Surak's Razor's medical kit for now, and set our course for
starbase668. I believe all of the
necessary calculations have been made. Storvik out.