Doctor Khan has his own small vessel, currently in a shuttle bay, in which we found him.
Counsellor Lothar now has his
underwear. It occurs to me that perhaps I also ought to have a small warp-capable vessel for independent missions from the USS Murgatroid, or simply for the times when I feel it both logical and prudent to be elsewhere. I shall have to pursue this line of thought eventually...
For now, I am comparing schematics of the Defiant Class' phaser array with the old Constitution class phasers (
reference). The technology has changed so much in the last century that it will be very difficult to modify our current phasers to have a stun capability without downgrading their over-all efficiency and potency. Plus, I suspect that the current phaser array design was specifically set up to make this sort of modification very difficult.
It looks as though I'll have to head belowdecks and start hunting for engineers. I want to capture them alive and fully-functioning, which adds to the challenge. Perhaps I can use the
Ship's Groupie as bait.