So the REAL highlight of my vacation gets its own post. The North Shore is home to some of the best used bookstores I've ever been in. They have CHARACRTER, yanno? High, creaky shelved piled high with books in no rational order- old books, new books, fiction, fantasy, world history, folklore, secret societies, whaling- anything you can possibly think of. And great, GREAT selections, too. I wasnt able to buy everything I'd have liked, but I did get at least 8 books out of it....
The Mists of Avalon (Been waiting to read this one for a long time. Finally got the parental green-light, so as soon as emails and blogs and websites and such are taken care of, I'm off to read..)
The Fall of Atlantis (Another Marion Zimmer Bradley book. Looked interesting)
Heresy (Cover and title combo drew me in- to be honest, I havent even read the cover blurb yet. It's fantasy)
The Magic of Recluse
Out of the Silent Planet
The Elegant Universe (Book on Superstring Theroy. Personally, I think its ludacris, but I figured perhaps if it was explained by a beliver? Well, I like to give it equal oppertunity, anyhow)
Womans Creation- Sexual Evolution and the Shaping of Society (Absolutely stunning. I've yet to finnish it, but she writes with a level of insight that blows me away. And SO well researched, too. The basic premise is her theroy on how the world became a patriarchy. I think any woman who calls herself a feminist should read this book-- and a few men could benifit from it as well. Seriously. The most intruguing non-fiction work I have read- um, EVER. And everything she says has a ring of truth. Read this book if at all possible. Here, I'll even give you the amazon link: And finally, The Complete Works of Shakespeare. This came from the sad realization that I have NEVER READ ANY SHAKESPEAR.Tragic, right? Well, THATS been remidied- though it seems that King Henery The Sixth will go on FOREVER.
I was pretty pleased, coming home with these treasures, but even better was my coming-home present- the B&N order. Inside was Eclipse, the next Rangers Apprentice book, and Interview with the Vampire. Eclipse I read that night, of course, and I must say, it was my favorite of the series so far. I didnt much like New Moon, and Twilight lacked any real tension/suspence for the first two thirds of the book. Eclipse, though, was just right. Romance, suspence- everything. And of course, the Edward and Jacob heart-to-heart scene alone would have made it my favorite book by far ;)
So, that said, off to read...