Tales from the Book Department

Dec 06, 2014 20:13

Yesterday every clock visible from our work station had gone missing. This is a problem since we have to clock out exactly on time or else, and aren't allowed to carry our phones with us, also or else. Today when the clocks had not returned I presented the boss with the following bit of verse:

Management gets quite irate
If we leave just one minute late

And anyone caught with a phone
will lose their job- be stuck at home

The purpose of this little rhyme
is that I need to tell the TIME

So help me do this job that rocks
and please oh please-
return the CLOCKS!

Boss was mildly amused and said they were planning to get some big wall clocks. Until then I'll just carry my phone anyway.

My brain has regained its equilibrium and I'm feeling much more perky than before, at least for now. But a month of depression has left me woefully behind on Doing All The Things!
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