I just wanted to let you know that one of your makers at Sassy, xclara_bowx has recently taken graphics I made, edited them and had silentxdesires" make new images with them. I am not trying to create drama, but as a fellow maker, I'm sure you can understand that's not cool.
And I'm sorry to post this in your lj, but it seemed inappropriate to do in the comm.
I appreciate you telling me, can you show me what are your graphics so I have some proof. Not that I'm doubting you but it's standard that I ask. I thank you very much for letting me know and your right it's not cool. Does Jeana know too, she's also a maker and a good friend of mine and she needs to know as well. Thanks so much, Misty
I just got u and my email exploded, lol. Jeana knows and said that Tiffany actually stole the coding from here----she never actually coded a user page for her. Wow....thank you!
And I'm sorry to post this in your lj, but it seemed inappropriate to do in the comm.
Thank you,
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