Jan 19, 2002 01:07
For not knowing love, i long for and think about it a lot. It is a funny thought i guess, but i am a passionate person. SO, this being a topic of great passion for people, i think of it often. People are either in love wanting it or craving it. Those three. So, can a person be all at once?
Girl Barer of Bad News
Why won=t she love me?
I don=t know, she=s..... she=s.....
She=s full of show
I am always the girl the guys run to
But not for me, for my best friend
I am always the barer of bad news
I was asked to speak on his behalf
I tell a secrete to him:
AGirls don=t know what they want
They like to prance
They like to taunt
They spin their web of great suspense
Then drop you down
And find someone from another town
But, if they grace you with their presence,
This means tons you do not know
Because for you they put on their show@
That is what I tell them
All in a different sense
I am sorry she let you down
Can I have you now?
(June 01)