Apr 30, 2010 21:03
Long time no see!
I had a very stressful period at the beginning of this year.My father suddenly got ill from a bad form of pancreatitis and we all spent the end of the year in a hotel near the hospital in the town he was recovered.He was in hospital 2 months in total and his rehabilitation was so hard expecially for my mother.We don't live near any parents here and so all the weight of this was on my mum me and my sister.More,as my sister and I often are used to leave our sons at my mum's house when we're out for our work, we couldn't obviously lean on her for a lot of time and this made everything heavier.
Of course that was the period I needed to work more (a collection of 300 pcs all designed by me,mostly tees ad hoodies but, oh well, 300 pcs are 300 pcs!) and I was so tired and stressed.
In the same time a boy which I knew from the people I use to hang out with when I dj (very rarely),who is veeery young (27) started to be inexplicably attracted by me.I was completely underating the situation because of his young age and because I thought he was joking and mostly because I definetively had my mind in other places.But this happened and I had to contrast him too.
This was quie a booze for my ego but at the same time gave me a lot of stress,because of his temerarity.But as my actual relationship is for the first time in my life, not missing anything,I survived this too *LOL* and it seems we're becoming good friends now, which makes me happy.
Then there was Rome Dollshow which is fantastic as ever, expecially for staying together with all the friends from around Europe in a very "School trip" mood...(-: Dear Ruth was at my place for two days, hanging around forhaberdasheries, tattoes by night, dead stock shops and markets...then we were in Milan for other two days with sweet Vito and we had the chance to meet Eddo from NYC too!
When I went back at home it started a more relaxed period for my job...I decided to crochet more for my shop as it seems more and more people are loving my hats and I'm so thankful for this!
I will try to do a weekly update, now.
More,two days ago I decided to definetively cut one of my two job collaborations, probably the longest term I've ever had,4 years.It's a consulence studio which have sportswear brand clients as The North Face, Reebok, Diadora, etc. From more than a year my job seemed to be reduced to draw technical cads, hundred of them.I was sooo stressed from this because everything seemed to be reduced at things like: there's a missing stitch on the back/the hood is too short/the shoulder seem to be not in proportion.The more I committed to be more careful, the more I hated it and I didn't do them perfect.And everytime very frustrating coments on my work, mybe done during the nights,sundays,Christmas holidays and o on.So,after a lot of thinking I've decided to cut it.I will still work for them but more occasionally.I should be scared or anxious but I'm not at all.I know I have to go for a more personal way of doing my job.I know there are things I can do very well and better than a lot of people in my same field.And more the sun is shining again,I have a
wonderful and uncommon family and I've started to run on the beach every morning again.I know something good is happening very soon.