A random, out of nowhere update!

Sep 01, 2010 11:49

Hehe, hey guys. Figure I should make a post, keep you lot updated with how I'm going.

I'm pretty happy right now - dunno why, lol.
I'm officially 22~! Got a few kickass gifts, but nothing from my father. Not surprised - he is a [insert string of offensive, derogatory names here] and can go rot in [insert name of good, maggot-filled place to die here] and I no longer acknowledge him as my dad. He didn't even send me a text message with two words on it. This time of the year always gets me a little depressed, because it's my birthday, then my brothers (who always gets something from dad) then Christmas (where, again, he'll get something and I won't).

I love my brother, he knows that the way I'm treated by dad isn't at all fair, but there's nothing he can do about it. At least I know he loves me~ (the big-ass son of my mother he is). He's 6'3" now, with a size 13 foot. (that's big, for you out-of-Australia peoples). And he's two years younger, for those who don't know. But now that I got my licence, I'm running him around a lot of places. Kinda sucks a little, but at least he's nice about it when it comes to asking. And, if I'm lucky, I get snackage out of the trip, lol. If he wants to go to JB Hi-Fi, I say price is a hug or Red Rooster chippies~ And I get chippies~! (cause he dun like hugs that much, lol). He even bought me 10 boxes of pocky, without being prompted or asked! Hehehe

I'm doing pretty well in my classes. Networking is great (except for when the guys play DotA instead of working, lol) and all the teachers are fine with me wearing my iPod while I work, to drown out the noise. My Electrotechnology teacher loves my BJDs. I took Clover with me to class once, and he thought she was the best! Then I took Dillian with me the week after, and he thought that was great. Kinda makes me wish I had another doll to take to show him, in a different scale, lol. I'm managing to keep up with my notes (two classes, it's compulsurary to keep chapter notes for us to pass) and the Electrotech teacher is amused that I speed ahead of him to take the notes from our workbook, rather than listen XD I still pass the tasks he sets, so it's not like I'm not doing his work.

I'm learning stuff that I didn't know, too. I mean, there's so much about computers that I didn't know before, and I'm learning it her. Of course, there's still the stuff that I know how to do that, when I attempt it here, goes belly up and I get close to bashing my head against the desk (like yesterday - installing a printer and the stupid thing wouldn't work XDD). But it's all great. Only sucky thing is I'm the only girl here (unless you count my Networking teacher, Miyuki, lol). So, it's a pretty big sausage fest.

I'm getting the hang of driving now. I'm doing my best not to honk the horn at the [insert yet another string of curse words here] on the road, because they don't obey speed limits, or road rules and the like. Doesn't help when my car radio cuts out, lol. But my car's old, so it's something I have to get used to, right?

Oops, just noticed how long this is, lolol

Tl;Dr - I'm feeling pretty great, other than my father being a [swear word] and I'm feeling ready to bounce off of things~

If you read all of that, you deserve a cookie, or a box of pocky!

bordom, random mood of random, family, tafe, spam, bjds, procrastination ahoy!, update, life, fuckassery, fic, spaz

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