Sep 09, 2004 21:49
Well hellllllllo there dears. It's been a while hasn't it. There is a ton of stuff I wanted to write earlier but now it just seems like so much water under the bridge, old hat as it were.
Everything is spinning constantly and at the end of the day I feel I am doing well if I remember to turn off the light before passing out.
Well shall we have an update then? Yes why not?
Has Stormyb found an apartment yet? That would be a no kiddies. Although I am on several lovely waiting lists. Bloody california housing. The prices are outrageous .. for the amount they want .. I had better be getting breakfast served in bed!!!
Has Stormyb started school? That would be a resounding yes!! That's right sports fans.. it has begun. The first week of classes and already I am behind. I sat there this week with my little hands clenched in fear and dismay as they handed out the dissertations disguised as syllabi.. lies I tell you.. all lies!
Hmmm what else? Job status. .. still unemployed thank the lord for savings that's all I can say. FUnny thing most employers wanting you to actually be there during the week instead of in class. Don't they understand?? Can't they comphrehend how special I am? Obviously not. So looking at a few options here. THe best would be a part time position. Of course I have become accostumed to fulltime pay. I sense a problem here don't you?
Ooooh Oooooh I opened up my California checking account last week. I was so proud. It's strange I am still in between states in my head. But finally building a California identity..this is a good thing. Got my god awful school id picture yesterday. Is there a rule that they must be a sickening as your Drivers License pics? I went in the other day..looking cute and professional. This time I was going to start off on a good foot. No crappy id pics for me.. no sir! Of course I was thwarted when they announced right as I walked in the door computer problems and please come back tommorow.
Tomorrow comes and finds me looking like something the cat coughed up. And click* there is my new school id. *sigh
And last but not least is Dimples.. some of you in the know understand that name. Yes, sports fans.. I finally got my act together and manged to see him last weekend. It was terrific. I was truly relaxed for the first time since my arrival here. But as the week wears on and the Dimples high wears off, the doubts start to creep into my head. What if I blow this.. What if this isn't what he wants? What if we destroy what we have instead of making it better. I mean maybe the best part was the fact that I wasn't able to be with him. He could remain the perfect person that way. And I could as well. Nice and safe that was. All tossed into the crapper now. Now we will see each other of off days.. bad hair days.. I hate the world days and ... couldyou please stop breathing so loud days..
Blast my hormones anyway... I certainly don't need to add this to the mix. All that romantic relationship crap is just piff paff right? RIGHT???
Oh well enough prattle. Even as things change they remain the same.
Ciao darlings