Your wish is my command ... Actually I had this tremendous urge to run and tell you everything. These last few days with no internet sporadic phone access and bone weary exhaustion has taken their toll. First things first. Can I just tell you all the view of the sun coming up over the mountains*Gasp!! Swoon... Unreal I tell you. Un-friggin-Real PEOPLE!!! Don't get me wrong beaches are nice but that was a sight let me tell you. Must go again when I am not so road weary. Got to cali and couldn't remember what day it was people. It was a sad sad thing. My internal sleep clock is still a bit out of wack. But I am slowly adjusting. My prospective roomie situtation.. sigh* you knew there had to be drama somewhere right? Wll she seems ok but she is a smoker.. ok.. no some of you know I just quit the tabbaco weed.. however, my roomie smokes... cough cough.. get my meaning. I say I am a very open-minded person. Of course, it smacked me back in the with her statement. I don't know why it just bugs me. What you do on your own is one thing..but.. I just don't want it around me. But Ic an't afford to keep living in a hotel either.. ACK!!! Registered for classes so all is well on that front. Met a few perofessors and the deans. Is is wrong to admit that one of them is fairly handsome. I can't plcae his accent but with my luck he will turn out to be a horse's ass. I can't help it. I have the academic crushes every two years or so.... I am sick I know. alright I should go since I don't know how long I can play online. But will check in later with more updates. Next chapter, how does stormyb tell prospective roomie.. just say no to drugs!... What do you mean you are charging me for those porn movies... i didn't watch them I swear!...Pardon me sir, but may I drool and gaze at you fondly during class? All of this and more on the continuing adventures of stormy the grad student
Yeah I saw the protests on the news the other day.. Laughs.. Thought of you. Jealous because I so want to be there with a sign screaming my head off as well. How did the court date thing go? Anything resolved? Did you make him cry? (heh heh.. ok that was mean of me sorry).. Protesting with the boy.. so you took him with you after all eh? Tilts head and considers.. cool!. Boss's mom died? oh.. blank stare. that's not cool did you know her well? shakes head.. yes.. regualr Nem stuff.. How I miss it so.. grins Me? ok.. still searching for apartment.. job.. meaning of life.. what can I say it goes on. But funny thing.. the other day I heard your voice telling me now is the time to step up.. so here's stormy.. stepping.. LOL Is it weird to say that I miss chatting?? Talking to my friend Nat is cool and all but I can't get into hours long discussion on the merits of storm and wolvie... life and coffee shops.. ya know? Take care will haunt your journal later today stormyb
Actually I had this tremendous urge to run and tell you everything. These last few days with no internet sporadic phone access and bone weary exhaustion has taken their toll. First things first. Can I just tell you all the view of the sun coming up over the mountains*Gasp!! Swoon... Unreal I tell you. Un-friggin-Real PEOPLE!!! Don't get me wrong beaches are nice but that was a sight let me tell you. Must go again when I am not so road weary. Got to cali and couldn't remember what day it was people. It was a sad sad thing. My internal sleep clock is still a bit out of wack. But I am slowly adjusting.
My prospective roomie situtation.. sigh* you knew there had to be drama somewhere right? Wll she seems ok but she is a smoker.. ok.. no some of you know I just quit the tabbaco weed.. however, my roomie smokes... cough cough.. get my meaning. I say I am a very open-minded person. Of course, it smacked me back in the with her statement. I don't know why it just bugs me. What you do on your own is one thing..but.. I just don't want it around me. But Ic an't afford to keep living in a hotel either.. ACK!!!
Registered for classes so all is well on that front. Met a few perofessors and the deans. Is is wrong to admit that one of them is fairly handsome. I can't plcae his accent but with my luck he will turn out to be a horse's ass. I can't help it. I have the academic crushes every two years or so.... I am sick I know.
alright I should go since I don't know how long I can play online. But will check in later with more updates. Next chapter, how does stormyb tell prospective roomie.. just say no to drugs!... What do you mean you are charging me for those porn movies... i didn't watch them I swear!...Pardon me sir, but may I drool and gaze at you fondly during class? All of this and more on the continuing adventures of stormy the grad student
for the birthday wishes.. how are things going with you these days?
Well, the RNC, court date with Q, um me protesting with the boy, um Boss mom died, um... you know. Regular Nem stuff.
How was your birthday?
Me? ok.. still searching for apartment.. job.. meaning of life.. what can I say it goes on. But funny thing.. the other day I heard your voice telling me now is the time to step up.. so here's stormy.. stepping.. LOL
Is it weird to say that I miss chatting?? Talking to my friend Nat is cool and all but I can't get into hours long discussion on the merits of storm and wolvie... life and coffee shops.. ya know?
Take care will haunt your journal later today
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