Today was a pretty good day.
Yeah, I slept through my first class, and that's a Class A no-no. Cannot be doing that, Steve-o.
But Econ was pretty cool, we suddenly changed it into a political discussion for the entire 50 minutes. I didn't participate, but I liked listening to what people said, jotted down notes here and there, and whatnot.
I actually ate a real, full lunch today, instead of just a peanut butter or balogna sammich. I'll have to keep doing that, I'm already skinny as hell, I don't need to lose more weight. I think the last 5 pounds I lost came from my toes x_@
Stats was...... confusing. And timewarping. I was 5 minutes late, yeah, but before I knew it the time was 2:45, and the class starts at 2:10. Oro. We went over Excel spreadsheets and functions in class the whole time, and barely anybody understood what the bloody hell was going on. It's not the prof's Turkish accent, it's the fact that some of the functions are rediculous.
Note: I run Windows XP Pro, not Office. So there. I have an excuse not to know how the hell to use Excel.
Work was...... boring. And long. but I made it through, ate some cherry fruitsnacks and mini coconut donuts during my break (which lasted a full half-hour tonight, yay!), and then found out floors 7 and 8 had total poweroutages so nobody could get in or out of the offices there. Kinda sucky, but really funny.
I spent tonight looking over Accounting notes and watching TV. Again, I faced the difficult task of chosing Cowboy Bebop over Conan. While I've seen the entire series many times already, I chose Bebop. Conan's the man, but Spike is the shit. And I'll take the shit.... over... the man... any day...? Um........ yeah o.O
So hey, my night wasn't a complete and total lazy-fest.
In case you're all wondering -- and you aren't -- I still miss talking to Gaia. Though I have a feeling I might get my wish soon enough, especially since there's more communicae though LJ again. Though.... I can't help but feel out of place trying to give her advice on finding direction in life..... when I myself am still pretty lost....
Notes to self:
-- get a hold of Kris' AF recruiter, or find someone at Offutt to talk to.
-- have Tim, Williams, or Carter send me the CS update.
-- practice the bejesus out of Halo for this weekend.
also, if you've watched this week's
Strong Bad email, and you know Kyle Bohling, isn't the resemblace just fucking uncanny??? (between Kyle and Homestar)
I like this song. A lot. A thousand thanks to you for sending it to me, Gaia.