What was Faith's childhood like, before she came to Sunnydale? A while ago, I was involved in a conversation about that in the comments on deird1's LJ, and gave a fairly in-depth reply. I thought it would be interesting to take that, polish it up and add lots more examples and inferences, and post it here for everyone to read.
There's probably not
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I personally have assumed Buffy to be slightly older than Faith (as in my story "Dead Girls' Party"). But I think they're probably close enough in age that they'd be in the same grade in school.
I see Faith as being more "under-literate" than illiterate. I think she'd have little trouble reading signs or packaging on products, or even the basic newspaper or magazine article. She's probably never read a real book cover-to-cover, though.
I'd say she has a pretty good case of ADHD going on.
Well, that's probably more like what I meant to say. :-) Faith's actually pretty perceptive and intelligent, just uneducated. (And as you suggest, maybe attention-deficient. Doesn't Buffy actually call her "Miss Attention Span" at one point?)
I'd actually say that Faith probably doesn't have ADHD - but Anya almost certainly does...
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