Last week, I put together an
index of all the fic I've written in the two years I've been on LJ. Today I did a bit of poking around with the numbers.
Apparently I've written 55 drabbles, 12 ficlets (under 500 words), 19 stand-alone fics and 6 multi-chapter fics with 24 chapters between them, for a total of 110 individual items of fiction. That comes
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NaNoWriMo participants are expected to write 50,000 words in a single month
URGH. For me, that's two whole episodes ;)
And thanks for the masterlist, in part because it reminded me to remind Foamy to update his own. Can you *believe* "Dawn Of the Dead" isn't on there? Sacrilege, I say!
Keeping fic master lists updated is really hard. :-(
Though I counted double drabbles as 200-word ficlets (and so on), not two drabbles.
There's nothing else for it: we must duel. Swords or pistols?
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