
Jan 13, 2008 21:12

After reading the group 
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Comments 12

beer_good_foamy January 13 2008, 22:11:04 UTC
Cool. Then maybe you can give me a quick hint of what the heck this is about? It all sounds very important, but this is the first I've heard about it and I have no idea what I'm supposed to think... :-/

And I love that shot of Buffy.


stormwreath January 13 2008, 23:05:13 UTC
After attempting to read the post you linked to, I get to use this icon for the first time ( ... )


beer_good_foamy January 13 2008, 23:28:24 UTC
Ah, thanks a lot!

Lots of people think this is great news.

Sounds like a good idea to me too, at least in theory. Plus, if the guy in that post is against it, I'm pretty much in favour of it on general principle. :-) (Funny how people always start trotting out the "FemiNazi" argument the second something isn't male-dominated...)


counteragent January 14 2008, 01:13:50 UTC
Hello! I'm very new to the practice of meta. (The only meta I've ever done was a vid, so I know little of the lingo). What is a teal deer?


mrteufel January 14 2008, 02:57:54 UTC
From the acronym(?) tl:dr
"Too long: didn't read"


counteragent January 14 2008, 03:16:16 UTC
Thanks! Is it generally used in the way that SW just did--as a disclaimer proceeding a long post?


mrteufel January 14 2008, 03:17:28 UTC
Often it's a reply to a wall of text.


counteragent January 14 2008, 03:40:03 UTC
Hi! Now that I know what it's for, I snagged the left-most deer icon. Will credit! Thanks!


stormwreath January 14 2008, 10:58:40 UTC
Thanks! I saw Mr Teufel has already answered your question, but in my experience posting tl;dr ("too long: didn't read") started out as a rude and dismissive response to other people's posts.

However, recently people have started using it to describe their own posts, as a self-deprecating way of saying "sorry, this is going to be long and rambly". And even more recently, they've started saying "teal deer" instad of writing "tl;dr".

My only word of caution would be - if you use a teal deer icon on a comment replying to someone else's post rathe than on your own posts, you probably need to make it clear that you're using it about yourself, not them. Unless you're actually trying to be insulting, of course... ;-)


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