Some of you may already have seen a big interview that Scott Allie of Dark Horse Comics gave to
Ain't It Cool News recently... but if you haven't, he gave the clearest statement I've ever seen about the copyright and licencing situation regarding 'Buffy' and Joss's other creative works. I thought it might be interesting to repeat it here:
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I do know that the 'Serenity' role-playing game doesn't mention any exclusively 'Firefly' characters directly, although it does have very thinly-disguised versions of them. I assume that the Dark Horse comics pushed the boundary a bit more, because Joss was directly involved and so they knew Fox wouldn't create a fuss.
Part of the interview I didn't quote is that Debbie Olshan at Fox has said that technically, they do have the right to licence another company to publish a 'Firefly' comic in direct competition with Dark Horse's 'Serenity' comic. But they don't, because that would seem petty, would probably annoy Joss, and would confuse and anger the fans.
(But contrast the Terminator franchise, where there acutally are several different comic licences out there, for each version of the films...)
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