Been Awhile

Apr 17, 2011 10:34

So its been a long time since I posted anything on this journal. I've been busy working and reading, a lot of reading since I have gotten a new obsession. I no longer even watch Chuck anymore its gotten to het for me. I discovered Supernatural and am no obsessed with the show. I have all five seasons on DVD and have watched all of season 6 that has been shown. I have read tons of stories and discovered a love for Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel and even some Dean/Gabriel. I don't read Wincest, but I do love the gen stories especially Weechesters. I have a couple ideas for possible stories for Supernatural both naturally AU since that is the type of story I like to write however I am not sure I can write the characters in character so I am think of looking for a co-writer to help me out on that.

Anyway, I have also gone down in weight from 285 lbs to 148 lbs thanks to the bariatric surgery I had in Dec 2009.

I apologize to all those who wish I would finish my Chuck WIPs. I am not sure that will ever happen since I am not interested in Chuck anymore. The show has gotten to boring for me unfortunatly as I really detest Het stuff. Maybe some day I will go back and finish writing. Hopefully so.


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