Supernatural FanMapping and Commentary

Mar 08, 2006 17:43

The Revenge of Edit! 04/22/08 Ok! I have re-uploaded the map to my gallery account, as well as the "US = YVR" tidbit, the comic insert from the actual map, and a chibi 'Skin' excerpt I did one night about a million (EXAGGERATION) years ago now!

I've removed some of the 'edits'. We don't really need all the previous junk. The newer edits pretty much cover it! I'm only posting links to the map and the other tidbit. The rest you'll just have to peruse the "SPN" gallery for. It's not big, so you won't get lost.

OK so! Why are you still up here?? The links you want are down in the original body of text! GO! VANISH! *dismissive hand-flail*

EDIT AGAIN OMG July 18, 2008... Am I a liar or what? Unfortunately, life gets in the way. Other things become priority... and what's worse, the maps don't even work anymore! Boooo! I know.. I know.. I'm SO very sorry! Thanks to ello_kitty for poking me to point it out.

ARGH. I do, truly and honestly, still plan to finish this map someday. I still love SPN, and I still find the thought of a continuing map an awesome idea. I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon though. :( Sorry guys! It's hard to find the focus to get back into this project, as much as I love it! There's just been a whole lot of adjusting and changing lately.

However, that being said, I -DO- fully intend to re-upload the original maps.. if I can find them on this mess of a hard drive... I know they're around here somewhere!! Sorry to all you folks who found this and were disappointed with the abrupt end/lack of actual map!

ORIGINAL POST with some edits for links and changes
I don't post much of anything about my fandom interests to LJ because I know that there are some people on my list who'd prefer not to have their friends page full of fandom related squealing. That in mind, I'm just going to warn you all ahead of time that this post is fandom related.

Fandom in question: Supernatural
What is it: A map showing destinations and possible routes for the Winchester brothers. I have also included my own commentary.
Why: It originally began as a personal project. Its intended use was as a reference for fic writing and role-playing. jyuu_chan convinced me that I worked hard enough on it that I should post it. Jyuu also convinced me that other people might find it interesting, and I've given her permission to submit a link to the Supernatural Newsletter.
Warnings: Possible spoilers within some of the commentary.
Disclaimer: I'm not making any money off of this. It was just for fun. I don't claim Supernatural in part or in whole (however sad that is for me), nor do I claim that my commentary is representative of the shows owners/creators/actors.

In saying that. I am NOT claiming that these routes are the only possible routes, or that they are the routes actually taken by the Winchester brothers, nor am I claiming that my assumptions on placement of fictional locations are correct.

What I do claim is the commentary and the work/research done in creation of the routes listed on the map, and comic art. That's right. With exception of some help from Jyuu, this is all my work. Please be respectful! :) Thanks!

In summation: This was created for fun, not profit. The map is not perfect, nor does it claim to be. I did the work, please be kind and give credit.

Last notes: Please Do Not Direct Link To Images. Please Give Credit Where Credit Is Due. Redistribute Freely and Have Fun, but Please Do Not Alter.
This was a lot of hard work and took me the better part of a week to complete.

Everyone got it? Ready? Great!
This is the map at 50% of it's original size. It's a smaller file, but the locations are mostly visible, and best of all, it probably won't break your internet connection trying to download it for viewing! Click the thumbnail for the full-size image, and be sure to check out the commentary to see explanations for the destinations on the map.

EDIT!!: Map re-uploaded with a few changes.

The Map!

Also available are JPG or PNG formats at the original size of 4800x3140. These files are zipped for ease of download. Unzipped, the PNG is about 21MB, and the JPG is about 11MB. Sorry! Not available anymore! it's only available in one size now. ^^;

This was just for fun, and was actually the brainchild of kimera. I just put it together because I thought it was amusing. Click the link to view the picture.

OK! Now for the commentary!

1. Stanford University/Jericho, California - Yes, I only marked Stanford on the map. As near as I can tell, Jericho, California doesn't exist. Dean says they're from "up in Modesto." Modesto is nearish to Stanford, and we know that the drive to "Jericho" and back doesn't take more than a night to drive, so it can't be too far away from Stanford. So, Stanford seemed like the best starting point. Besides, it's where the boys actually leave from to start their cross-country journey.

Driving Distance/Time: Apx. 1,306 mi, 22 hours, 7 mins from Stanford to Lost Creek, CO.

2. Lost Creek/Blackwater Ridge, Colorado - There is indeed a Lost Creek Wilderness Area in Colorado. Lost Creek - the actual creek - gets its name from the way in which it disappears and reappears among the granite rocks in that area. I couldn't actually find a Blackwater Ridge within the Lost Creek Wilderness, so this destination is marked on the map as near to the ranger station as I could manage. If anyone has a better idea of where it should be, don't be afraid to let me know. If you like, follow the link above for more info on the Lost Creek Wilderness Area. Maybe you'll find something I didn't.

Driving Distance/Time: Apx. 1,132 mi, 19 hours from Lost Creek to Lake Manitoc, WI.

3. Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin - As far as I've found, there is no such place as "Lake Manitoc". There is, however, Lake Winnebago near Manitowoc, WI. Manitowoc is pronounced [măn"ituwok'], which can probably pretty easily be heard/mispronounced as "Manitoc" depending on who's saying it, and with what accent, etc. I've found it misspelled "Manitoc" in several instances by out-of-staters intending to take the ferry from Manitowoc to Ludington. This in mind, I placed "Lake Manitoc" in Lake Winnebago, and used Manitowoc as my reference point for the directions to destination number 4.

As a side note, I also had an image in my head of Sam telling Dean they could take the ferry instead of driving the entire time. Scenic, and a rest for both of them, even if it's only a four hour trip. There's an insert in the image with the mini-comic I came up with at the thought of it.

Driving distance/Time: Apx 651 mi, 11 hours, 35 min from Lake Manitoc to Kittanning, PA.

4. Kittanning, Pennsylvania & Indianapolis, Indiana - In the beginning of "The Phantom Traveller", Dean gets a call from "Jerry Pinowski", a gentleman he and Daddy Winchester helped out. Dean recalls, "Oh yeah, right, up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania. The poltergeist thing." I assume then that Kittanning is the place they head to. They do head to Nazareth, PA (ignoring the irony in that, as Dean puts it), and by the end of the episode head to Indianapolis. Considering that the distance is over 100 miles from Kittanning to Indiana alone, and considerable time is spent in the area, I've marked Indanapolis on the map as destination 4.5. No considerable time is spent in Nazareth. So, while it does exist, it isn't marked on the map. For those of you curious, the driving distance is still listed.

On the drive to Indianapolis, Sam reports that the drive is five hours long "even with you behind the wheel". If I were Sammy, I'd be using that laptop to pull up some Google maps. The boys do seem to get wireless everywhere, afterall. Of course, if he did that, he might have been a little more discouraged about that drive and their ability to arrive in the nick-of-time. We all know they got on that plane bound for who-knows-where, and after the little fiasco on board (See: Demonic Possession of Plane and Pilot), they turned the whole thing right around and went back to their beloved Impala, who was no doubt waiting and worrying in the airport parking lot.
To make things more interesting (and more annoying for my map making), the boys head back to Kittanning at the end of the episode. I didn't remember that at first, so I had to change some lines around. It got a bit messy, but there it is!

Driving distance/Time Apx 296 mi, 5 hours and 27 min from Kittanning to Nazareth, PA.
Driving distance/Time Apx 400 mi, 7 hours and 31 min from Kittanning to Indianapolis, ID.
Driving distance/Time Apx 253 mi, 4 hours and 41 min from Kittanning to Toledo, OH.

5. Toledo, Ohio - This one is pretty straightforward. Toledo obviously exists and was very easy to pin on the map. Also, not much to say about this one.

Driving distance/Time Apx 513 mi, 8 hours and 33 min from Toledo to St. Louis, MO

6. St Louis, Missouri - Again, St. Louis is a real place, very easy to pin down. Of course, we know that Dean wanted to head to Bisbee, and was a little put out that Sam wanted to head to a place that was "400 miles behind" where they already were. I'd be put out too, considering that this road trip has got to be eating major gas putting a lot of wear and tear on Dean's shiny, four-wheeled baby. That's not even to mention that he was obviously set on Bisbee for some reason.

That aside, I think his idea of making it to Bisbee by midnight was a little ambitious. They were probably somewhere around the Tulsa area at that point, and even if it was eight in the morning, the best possible route from Tulsa to Bisbee is about twenty hours or so. Of course, that's if you're following the speed limit and taking the main roads. Sam already implied that Dean has a lead foot in 'The Phantom Traveller', and it's not unlikely that the brothers would want to take back roads. The Impala isn't exactly a l33t-stealth vehicle, or anything. Either way, that is neither here nor there, because little Sammy vetoed Dean's assertion that it wasn't 'their kind of problem', and to St. Louis they went. The driving time from St. Louis to Bisbee is listed below, and there's a dotted line on the map, just in case you're curious.

Driving distance/Time Apx 1,506 mi 1 day, 2 hours from St. Louis to Bisbee, AZ
Driving distance/Time Apx 433 mi, 7 hours 20 min from St. Louis to Ankenny, IA.

7. Ankeny, Iowa - This one supposedly takes place at the Theta Sorority at Eastern Iowa University. Firstly, I found that "Eastern Iowa University" is an online university. The actual university in that area is called "University of Iowa" and is a straight shot from Ankenny, just about two hours (115 miles) away to the east. Hence, "Eastern Iowa University", or at least that's what I presume. In any case, I chose to list Ankeny, since it's the real place actually mentioned in the episode. Iowa City is probably closer to where they would actually have been.

Driving distance/Time Apx 466 mi, 9 hours 40 min from Ankenny to Oasis Plains, OK

8. Oasis Plains/Sapulpa, OK - Once again, as near as I can figure, Oasis Plains isn't actually a real city or even a real housing development in Oklahoma. Sapulpa is, however. I've marked Oasis plains about sixty miles from Sapulpa in the direction that made the most sense to me. It's near major cities so it isn't completely cut-off, but still has enough space around it to be a bit secluded. Going too far in any of the other directions puts you pretty close on the borders of the state, and in the wrong terrain in some cases. If anyone has a better suggestion, let me know. Sapulpa is marked so it can be easily located.

Driving distance/Time Apx 232 mi, 5 hours and 48 min from "Oasis Plains" to Lawrence, KS

9. Lawrence, Kansas (Home) - Lawrence is a real place. It's the boys' home town, and there's a lot of very interesting history to go along with it. Try googling the "Eldridge Hotel" in Lawrence, Kansas for a taste of what I mean.

Driving distance/Time Apx 520 mi, 9 hours from Lawrence to Rockford, IL

10. Rockford, IL - Illinois has quite a few historic asylums and hospitals. I couldn't specifically find a Roosevelt Asylum, but Elgin State Hospital was a 'hospital for the insane', and is only fifty or so miles away from Rockford.

Driving distance/Time Apx 400 mi, 7 hours and 20 min from Rockford to Burkitsville, ID

11. Burkitsville, Indiana - For this episode, the brothers break apart. Sammy sits in a train station somewhere, and Dean runs off to fight with a nasty, skanky scarecrow. Of course, by the end of the episode, they're all brotherly again. Brotherly Love conquers all! Aww!
Yet again, as near as I can tell, Burkitsville does not exist. Dean says that he's already been to Salem and Rockford, so I decided that putting it near the other two, and along that same stretch of road would suffice.

Driving distance/Time Apx 660 mi, 12 hours and 30 min from Burkitsville to Ford City, NE

12. Ford City, Nebraska - I. Have. No. Clue. You might say I took a leap of faith on this one (Bah-dum-chi! ...Yeah, it's bad, I know. Now hush). I could find no reference to the existence of a real Ford City, Nebraska. I looked at three different city lists, google maps, and tried just google searching "Ford City, Nebraska". Googling "Ford City, Nebraska" pulled up "Nebraska City Ford", as in the car dealership. It was probably 4 AM when I was finishing that part of the map. I. Gave. Up. "Ford City" is currenly listed as Nebraska City. I may change this if I get some better info. Do you have better info? Do tell, because I'd like to be as accurate as possible.

Driving distance/Time Apx 494 mi, 8 hours and 38 min from "Ford City" to Cape Girardeau, MO

13. Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Finaly, we return to places found on real maps, not to mention we've returned to Missouri! It's marked accordingly on the map I've created. I haven't really gone to check Cape Girardeau out too much other than marking it. If I find anything of interest I'll be sure to post a link.

Driving Distance/Time Apx 628 mi, 11 hours, 7 min from Cape Girardeau to Saginaw, MI

14. Saginaw, Michigan - A real place, yet again! Other than staying in a room with many, many staring eyes (seriously, did you see all those stuffed heads?) there's not much to say about the location. It's pretty straightforward. If anything comes to my attention that's of note, I'll be sure to make an edit.

Driving distance/Time Apx 693 mi, 15 hours, 51 min from Saginaw to Hibbing, MN

15. Hibbing, Minnesota - And again!

Driving distance/Time Apx 555 mi, 10 hours, 44 min from Hibbing to Chicago, IL

16. Chicago, Illinois - And again! Real places everywhere!

Driving distance/Time Apx ??? mi, ?? hours, ?? min from Chicago to ???????? Mystery~!

If you found this map helpful and the commentary interesting, or if you just found the whole thing pretty amusing, feel free to keep checking back. I'll be updating this post each time we get a new location! If things get too cluttered, I'll start up a new map, but the old ones will still be available!

Hope it was helpful and enjoyable! Questions, comments, concerns? Leave a message!

EDIT: This comic goes along with Entry 6, for St. Louis. Click the thumbnail for a larger version.
Rated G.

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