Jan 14, 2004 09:35
dont ever let me get myself as high in the army to make major, the frontal lobotomy begins then. common sense flies out the window, being late for people who are waiting for you is now accepted behavior and maybe even to be expected.
what brought this on you ask? went in early today, i normally go in around 830-845, went in about 815, cause my commander and i were supposed to go see the battalion xo, who is a major. we went over to battalion HQs, which i got to first, ran into the BN S-3, who is also a major, named figeroua or some such thing, who promptly asked me how long it had been since i reported to the 'command bunker' now, correct me if im wrong, but i believe that a bunker is somethign built for the exclusive purpose of fortification and protection from bombardment. to my knowledge, there is no 'bunker' constructed in the BN HQ. I was sorely tempted to respond with 'no sir, but i reported to the commander's office 1.5 months ago when i arrived' but i cant say shit like that anymore, not since i got promoted anyways. back to my original story/rant...the dude i was there to see was not in. i waited. my commander showed up and we waited. every wednesday there is a command and staff meeting that begins at 0900, at 0900 the BN XO had still not arrived yet, keep in mind that i have already wasted 45 minutes of my morning. at 0905 he waltzes through the door, says good morning, goes into this office, exits his office to go to the meeting, and tells me that i should come back when its over, about 1100.
not too mention that its now raining when i leave to go back to my car, there is no damn parking anywhere near the BN HQs, so i was way aways, got soaked, it was fun. cant ask for a better start to my morning, now can i?
i would rant about the army height weight system again,but it wouldnt be any fun. suffice it to say that i am .29% over my allowed percentage, and they taped me about a week after i got off of convalescent leave for having mono, which of course i did no PT during that time, cause i had no energy. is it any suprise that when i finally started eating, trying to build up some energy, it didnt help the weight loss thing any? wouldnt it be common sense to wait a week or two for me to get back into the swing of things with PT? but noooooo, i have been here too long for me to have not been weighed in, god forbid. nuff said.
ness is stressed out still, its beginning to make me irritable, because she tends to be irritable alot. i think she's been in a really bad mood since early last week. her mom comes down here friday, cant wait for that to be over, and for ness to get into the swing of things with school, take the Nursing Entrance Test and hopefully be rid of some of this stress load.
is it a bad thing that we just got off christmas exodus and i already cant wait for the 4 day weekend this weekend? maybe if i had an actual job i wouldnt hate the armyso much right now.