I apologise, I would like to backtrack and acknowledge that Linnea's first word should really go down in the books as 'ta' ('tack' = thank you).
In other news, this week work has been hellish. Only two things have seen me through it, cake (Cate's bake sale for
www.myeloma.org.uk/, Jess Higton's leaving lunch, stuff I brought back from Sweden, birthday chocolate's for Annie) and the thought of moving in together. We're meant to stop using ICS on Wednesday, which means on Thursday we're taking on all outcomes for all areas, we've been pressured to take on all appts, even remote areas (but this is tentatively delayed, but only as a gesture of goodwill), starting to use IPT forms (even though dear ol' David Cameron has decided he doesn't give a hoot about 18 weeks RTT no 'exit' strategy has been devised so we're pressing on), dealing with the backlog, setting up new reports, taking on A&E, we have an new starter in our team on Thursday (guess who's inducting...), we've lost a contract for one of our referral sources but they have nearly 200 patients still on our lists, two members of staff on annual leave for the next two weeks, and the photocopier/fax machine is jammed beyond redemption, there are nearly 700 patients that don't link between the old and new old systems between Jan and May and have to be investigated one by one (have made as many rules as I could, now it's all exceptions and errors)...
Linnea spent her 18 month birthday puking from 5.30 (am) to 8.30, and since then has had diarrhea, leading to horrific nappy rash. Poor baby. It's seems to be getting better, fever is gone, no more puke, rash now dried up and flaking. Poo is becoming less ectoplasmicly green but is still slimy baby poo rather than semi solid. Sleep... still a lot of waking up crying. The most frustrating thing is not knowing the cause. Possibilities that have occured to me:
- Something from the tick bite last week?
- Something from playgroup on Monday?
- Something from Mark's unhygienic conditions?
- Something from the ground/train/airplane/coach/buses/planet earth?
- Eating 200 strawberries on Saturday finally catching up with her?
- Something related to teething (she got number twelve during the trip with number thirteen on the way up now), and/or poking her fingers in her mouth more than usual?
It could be ANYTHING. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
Yeah, so, so much for shifting the 2 kg I put on in Swedenland. Plus my calves have been very sore this week and I've not got back to jogging or anything sporty except the 10 flights of stairs up to Medical Records... wait... there might be a connection there...
Back to my second happy thought, after cake, which is moving in together. We haven't set a date, but have got as far as after Maelstrom but def before TK event. Also, unless something changes drastically or my landlady disagrees, Ian will be moving in with us in our current little flat, until he can get himself settled in a job and we get a better feel for how that and DC and Cleggy-boy's financial plans affect us in practice. E.g. it seems like the pay freeze for public sector workers won't affect AfC annual increments, just cost of living increases, whether you earn over £21k or not. Various media calculations seem to suggest that £30k for a family is the magic threshold above which you'll notice that you're no longer in favour with the govn't. Even if Ian only gets a minimum wage full time job, that would put us above that. Will just have to wait and see and be sensible.
In the meantime, I'm focusing on the good stuff that will come out of moving in together. We had a lot of long convos about that during our trip. Oh, and I'm feeling impelled to organise. I've been to Wilko's twice this week, and moved everything around my kitchen. Not sure if I've actually magicked up more space but my bathroom is much, much more bumsy-friendly/safe, has more than twice the storage it did and I have Ideas.
Also nice to have chatted with my parents a bit more recently, we went through a phase of constantly missing each other with the time diff. and opposing schedules.
xx :o)