Mr. Invisible

Jun 17, 2007 21:55


After all these many months of having disapeared quite thouroughly, I am STARTING to gain some sort of balance with my time. Meaning that I am learing to have a life outside of work without leaving three hours early everyday like I did at Cingular. So for all you faithful friends who have been checking my blog from time to time, or have subscribed to my blog, and noticed my absence, I have finally returned.

Life has been very busy, and yet fulfilling. Money is finally doing what its supposed to, if not quite as fast as I would prefer. I am looking forware to both a promotion and the filing of the bankrupcy by my birthday. Yes, for my present to myself, I'll take a healthy dose of stress relief.

In more immeadiate news, our first room is finally complete, and I should be updating my sorely outdated and stale myspace page as well. Spiderman and Pirates 3 were both awesome. There will never be enough time to play NeverWinter Nights 2. I need some more Forgotten Realms and Joel Rosenburg novels, and it has been far too long since my hands have held a poker hand, a comic book, and my lovely wife. For the latter, any time is too long.

I'll see you all later. Or maybe, this time, sooner!
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