World Peace from a cold

Mar 08, 2005 13:34

When I Had A Cold:

When I had a cold my nose ran quite a bit,
I snotted and snatted and snutted and snit,
It ran and it ran and it snotted some more,
So I snotted and snutted and snat on the floor.
I snut on the walls and I snit on the mat,
I snotted and snotted all over my cat,
I snit in the fridge and I snat in the bath,
I snut on a sheep and left snot on a calf.
I snut in the garden and snat on the shed,
And I snotted awake and I snotted in bed.
And eventually when I got over my cold,
I found I had snotted all over the world.
And now everything in the world sticks together,
It's snotted together for ever and ever,
And everyone likes everyone else quite a lot,
As they're bonded together with gallons of snot.
Now everyone's nice and they talk to each other,
There's quality time for the father and mother,
Since I snat on their shoes and I snut in their hair,
They're all stuck together and can't go anywhere.
No-one's ever unpleasant, no insults are thrown,
As they're all stuck together with snot in their home,
And so now and forever the tale will be told,
How the world was made better when I had a cold.

Good: Lets see, world peace from the common cold.
Truly Remarkable!

Evil: OOHHHH, If I got a cold I could snit and snat and snot and snut all over everyone.
(Rubs chin and thinks) I'll do it.
(Evil is now prancing naked in the rain, good hopes for a thunderstorm)

Neutral: Oh, that idea of peace is just disgusting.
Not to mmention slimy.


Poem By Joel Veitch of
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