because "today" would have been too timely.
because i could not function a camera first thing in the morning, you will get no shot of my alarm clock. also because i am not a follower and just because everybody else does something does NOT mean that i have to do it. now, on with the project that everyone else has already done:
breakfast of champions.
feeling slightly more human than when i woke up, i dress and stumble out the front door. you can't tell from the picture but the streetlamps across the lot are still on. people shouldn't have to leave their homes while the streetlamps are still on.
eventually i find the key to my truck and get in. it smells like... something awesome. super awesome smells. it is so stupidly early. i hate it.
it's only about five minutes to get to the highway, but the on-ramp always sucks.
and so do the next 40-50 minutes, as i drive to work. i get there eventually.
and, of course, i'm the first one here. which means i have to open the stupid door, run down the hall, and NOT forget the security code.
i manage to do all that, and then i go unlock my office. which i now realize i really need to do something with. there's nothing but the shit the previous occupant left.
well, ok, there is one thing.
i manage to further clutter up my desk for most of the morning.
and then, off to lunch. in the garage's stairwell every day (twice a day) i walk past this.
i want so very very badly to turn it. anyway, the closest place to eat is something you poor bastards across the country can't enjoy.
i had cheese coneys the day before, though... so i got a buffalo chicken wrap (with ranch dressing inside, instead of the blue cheese)
i'm sure you noticed the 20 oz. bottle of coke on my desk in the previous pictures. right? sure you did. i buy a coke from the vending machine in the morning when i get here almost every day. it lasts all day. at the end of the day, i finish the last warm, flat sip and get the hell out of the office.
i always need to stop at the stupid ass gas station. i hate them so much. i have to fill the tank two or three times a week. so gay. i wasn't really ON empty, but i'd rather fill up in the evening than first thing in the morning.
traffic is all snarled up, according to the internets, which means that i will probably dick around up here for a while before heading home, to give things a chance to settle down a bit. which USUALLY means that i'm going here.
and then after i go THERE, i often like to go HERE.
oh, izzy's famous corned beef... how i love you so. especially with olive relish, sauerkraut and swiss cheese on grilled light rye. and a potato pancake. and the best black cherry soda in the world.
i typically sit around izzy's for a while and check out whatever comics i just spent too much money on. which would be these.
once i get home, i usually have my pants off in under two minutes. because i hate wearing pants. because... hey, who doesn't? right? yeah. also, i really suck at hanging up my shirts. yeah, they make it to a hanger. and yes, the hanger is IN the closet... but that's about it. it's a mess in there.
once i'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts of some kind, i proceed to get extremely relaxed.
photo deleted in case one of you jerks is a NARC.
and this is my chance to waste a few hours killing bad guys, saving princess, racing cars or whatever the hell videogame i'm currently playing. lately it has been this one.
i kick a lot of ass and murder a lot of people for money, and then it is time to pop in a movie that i will fall asleep halfway through. i keep all my "sleepy-time" videos on a small bookshelf near my laptop in the bedroom.
at that point, my phone's battery died. but... that worked out, because i was pretty much done for the day. so... yay.