Jul 10, 2005 23:34
Well everyone, I had the baby. Christian Darrell Orr was born at 7:37 pm July 6th, 2005. He was 8 lbs 3.6 oz and 20 and 1/4 inches long. They had delivered him via C-section because I had been in labor since 1 am on the 6th and had only progressed to 5 cm by the tim 6 pm came around. Plus his heart rate kept going down every time I had a good contraction. So the Dr decided to deliver him the other way.
I'm still in an amt of pain but that's being controlled by medicine. He's definately keeping Troy and myself on our toes. We have learned alot. The hardest time is at night right now. He's wonderful during the day but nights are a bit rough. We seem to be making it. We had a good night last night, now I hope that will continue.
I'm updating my website over the next couple of days so there will be pictures of me, the baby and Troy.
I know this isnt a great update but I'm tired and sore. I should go take a shower and head to bed since we just put down the little man for him to get some sleep. Gotta sleep when they do.
G'night everyone!!
Love to all!
~ a very tired but thankful Nita