Steampunk rules.

Nov 11, 2008 07:41

I'm hearing a lot lately about how all this technology that's supposed to help us out is just complex enough to be annoying when it breaks down.  My take has always been that the more steps you put between ends of a process, the more apt it is to go awry.  Or as Scotty put it in Star Trek:  "The more they overthink the plumbin', the easier it is ta stop up the drain".

Which, in my opinion, is why steampunk rules.

I know, you say, "well, isn't steampunk technology a classic example of the superfluous design process?"  I suppose so, but it's not a software problem, it's a hardware problem.  Something breaks down, you switch it out.  You're not staring at a screen saying, "Why the hell did it do that?"

This is all a rather roundabout way of saying that my steampunk kick is on the upswing, and I'll be using this LJ to flesh out a character I've been dreaming up ever since enemyfrigate and I saw the steampunk booth at our local sci-fi con this past summer.  I've been trying to put him together in my mind since then, off and on, and I thought, "well, what better way to do that than write him?"  Which I hope will inspire enemyfrigate to do similar, and we can trade back and forth, hopefully within the same story.  Does that sound like fun?

So soon, with any luck, there'll be some steampunk fic here, which will undoubtedly at some point feature my character staring at a screen (excuse me, aethertube) saying, "Why the hell did it do that?", putting the lie to much of the philosophy I espoused in my earlier treatise.  (wow, I think the language is coming to me straightaway.)

On a related note, if anyone knows a lovely buxom femmy steampunk lady in need of defence against rogue automatons, followed by undying gratitude and intimate companionship on her part, who doesn't particularly care that I'm paunchy and nearing 40, I'll be so grateful.  :)


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