Author's note: For non-Fever readers, this scene refers to a moment in Dreamfever when, after Mac has been captured and raped repeatedly by Unseelie (dark) Fae princes to the point where she is so severely addicted to sex with Fae that it is all she can think of, Barrons retrieves her and begins to "cure" her back to some semblance of humanity. And
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Barrons = <3
It's a brilliant series, really.
With Barrons I get serious vibes of "That's a Warren Peace moment just waiting to get written" I guess that's what I get for writing Sky High fics while I read it. I'm reading Barrons like I would an older version of War, not that that is helping me much get my ass writing.
Huh I never thought of it that way... probably because I started reading the Fever books before I saw the movie. But it is an interesting comparison for sure.
I think, and don't laugh at this, it's his boots that did it. And his color preferences. I mean it's so cliche if War was wearing what Barrons wore, and Sky High is campy cliche fun. Not kidding about the boots, steel toed sexy man boots are going to sneak into my fic at some point and they'll be on Warren Peace's feet.
And I certainly wouldn't say no to a non-campy, steel toed sexy Warren Peace. I mean, come on!
I finished the second book.
I've got to go out and get the third, like right now.
Oh, btw, if you want to get some backstory on the name MacKeltar (I don't think it comes up until book 3 but I may be wrong) you can always check out KMM's Highlander series which is almost all about them. Tons of backstory on the fae, too :) Gets more interesting from Kiss of the Highlander on, but obviously you don't have to read the Highlanders to understand the Fevers. Great thing about KMM, that.
Hmm, I did read Gaiman's Anansi Boys and I have to say, I enjoyed but wasn't completely wowed by it *shrug* Oh well, preferences... But that fic idea sounds very neat. A sort of worldwide fairy tale?
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