things of some varying consequence.

Jul 20, 2009 16:05

So, I think I'm all set to go see HBP tomorrow at Guzzo straight after work. I'll catch a sandwich at Timmie's beforehand :) Yummy. I bet I'll be more pepped up once I'm in the theatre, but I am looking forward to it. Just not as excited to see it as previously. I guess it's the lack of people to gush with around me (besides here of course, but it's not the same you know?) because my mum was all "blah I heard it was horrible no I won't go see it with you" and my dad just doesn't care. Though HAHAHA I gave him a good scolding when he mentioned he thought Harry would end up with Hermione. My exact reaction? "WHAT. ARE YOU ADDLED." Even my mother admitted she didn't think there was any sexual tension going on between Ron and Hermione and she didn't think it was cute. I SWEAR, I MUST HAVE BEEN ADOPTED. Was it Jo or Amy who said that, too, a couple years ago? My eyes bugged out back then too. THE INSULT. lol

Well, today marked the first day I filled in for the girl I work with. Very laid back, as my boss is on vacation like practically everybody. Practically no claims. Not much to do, but then no one does have much to do. Oh well.

My voice is shot to shit today. Half-gravelly, half-whispery. Gah.

fandoms: harry potter, work

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