Totally forgot I still have 60 facts to list off on my 100 things meme, so I thought to do that 20 things meme
astoria_potter brought back. Now I'm only 40 items short. Woot for progress!
41. I "borrow" my mum's shoes and clothes all the time, although not the newer clothes anymore since she lost a ridiculous amount of weight recently. It's like it got sucked out of her O___o
42. I dislike wearing pants, but the summer is the only season I dare to wear skirts. I cannot understand private schoolgirls who wear short skirts and no tights even in -30C temperature (and then they complain whine complain but that's not the point. The point is they still do it). My legs would simply fall off!
43. I was actually the scrawniest kid in my family, but then... got a quick craving for dessert (serious, my parents had to put cake before me to get me to finish my dinner!). I get easily disgusted with anything but dark chocolate these days but I'm still the... well I hate to say fattest, but I'm still the bulkiest. Thanks to that and the fact that I've always been the most athletic in the family. I was borderline obese at 9 and it was my busiest time sports-wise (gymnastics, ballet, judo, swimming). Ironic, yes?
44. I played trumpet for band class in grade 7. Of my fellow trumpetists, I was the one to pick up the pucker-and-blow trick quicker.
45. In primary school my sisters and I took an arts and craft class during lunch hour once or twice a week, I believe. My favourite part (besides making stuff of course)? Painstakingly peeling the glue off my fingers after it was over. The bigger the pieces the better. It was like a second skin or something. Really cool.
46. I had a mad fright of dogs before my aunt's dog (a Bernese mountain dog, no less) coaxed me. I think someone's dog snapped at me or something before that because I do remember liking dogs very much when I was very very young.
47. I hated apple juice for the longest time. Because it made me puke once. Pavlov right there. But all's good now.
48. I'm a quick self-learner. Snooped downstairs to check out our computer unattended many many times as a young'un (frequently fucked something up so I had to sit through some severe talks with dad), installed our free copy of Photoshop 5 and quickly became efficient, taught myself English in one summer because my grade 6 teacher was so on crack and placed me in Adv. English for some fuckwit reason, taught myself html and then css, etc.
49. I'm a cynical romantic. Meaning I loathe the straight romance/body-ripper section with a passion because it's mindless and bland and *gags* totally unrealistic. I'll do the dreamy eyes and sigh if there's some conflict, if they can work through it together, if the guy's not always saving the stupid and often fucking weak bitch who whines whines whines about "oh, my hair and my nails and I'm bleeding omg". To that I say TRASH and should NEVER be published. Also, in real life situations I can call bullshit from a mile away. Like, oh, say, my sister Jo who completely changed her lifestyle to suit her boyfriend's even though she's diabetic and her blood readings are often out of control when she follows him on his crazy hiking, biking or rock climbing trips where he seldom slows down for her sake? Yes, I read them both clearly.
50. I can crack my neck and it digusts and scares everyone in the vicinity (my parents, especially). Hey, I won't go see a chiro everyday just because it strains me a tad. Easily fixed *shrugs*
51. I'm terrified of going for my black belt exam in judo... whenever my senseis decide I'm ready. I'm a very technical person (and a perfectionist, to boot) so I worry over the slightest mistakes I make :(
52. My clothing style is... mmm... well I kind of roll any which way really. At home I'm a pure and total slob and don't care a bit about any fashion sense. Which I think explains why my dad thinks I can't dress myself, although I think he's still thinking of that too-short-now summer dress I wore over jeans for school once. He's a conservative type *pats* Anyway, so yeah at school I'm a little more... adventurous and... a tad fashion-minded? IDK, I just care more about what I wear. At work I'm a little more conservative, obviously, since we can't have thin straps and it's really windy there when I wait for the bus so shorter skirts would be er risqué to say the least. Though I seriously need to go shopping, and I hate that. But anyway, back on topic. My style's a little artsy-cute I guess you could call it *shrug* Suzy Shier, Smart Set and Fairweather are some of my favourite stores but Smart Set is the only one left near where I live :(
53. So I said I'm a cynical romantic. Mum thinks I'm a heartless bitch because I don't "hang out" or something. However... well, you guys read what I write. I feel things very strongly beneath my thick skin. I connect with the characters and feel exactly how they feel, whether it be love or anger or terror.
54. Unfortunately, I inherited my dad's overproductive capillary system. It's all great and awesome on top of my head, but I did have to start electrolysis treatment on my thighs and bikini zone. And my nice manicured eyebrows used to be quite bushy before I took care of 'em. Needless to say, I have overproduction in weirder places still *sigh* Endless battle.
55. I feel so uncomfortable next to the girl I work with. I can't even explain it. I don't even think she's that beautiful tbh. And she's superfluous like you would not believe.
56. As I said earlier, I have a smoky bedroom voice when I answer the phone at work. It's really weird.
57. I completely pwned in grade 3 when I spelled "anticonstitutionnellement" perfectly during a spelling contest thingo in class. Basically, a guy picked out the longest word in the dictionary to smoke us when it seemed we were going to win but I TOTALLY SAVED OUR ASSES *preens* What that word means? Anticonstitutionally :) Ooh French lesson.
58. I was henceforth known as the human dictionary/teacher's pet in a non harmful way until about grade 6. That's when the name-calling got nasty :S But we won't go there eh?
59. My godmother and I haven't spoken in years. No hard feelings. My godfather left her and she wanted away from his family - most of them shunned her for stupid reasons I can't quite get. My grandmother hates ~outsiders~ including my mum and pretty much everyone who doesn't fit her bill (she's also racist and hates anglos but that's not the point here).
60. I'm really really scared of what will happen after graduation next year. Job or *gulps* unemployment? And moving out maybe? AAAACK.
In other news: did not write tonight. You'll have to be content with
that poem I just posted this evening!