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Oct 09, 2008 19:11

According to thefrisky.com, these are the 30 Skills Every Woman Should Have Before Turning 30

1. Hard boil an egg: Yes, but I prefer mine scrambled.
2. Diplomatically tell Mom to butt-out: I did it. It didn't work, but I did it. (keeping luvscharlie's answer)
3. Ace a job interview: I got the job, so I guess.
4. Ask a man out: Er... that's something I need to work on!
5. Send a thoughtful thank you note: No but I thank people in person.
6. Listen to a friend in need: More than they do me :S
7. Ask for help: I don't do this well, but when I'm really lost/desperate, I will.
8. Effectively end an unhealthy relationship (romantic or platonic in nature): Yes, I'm definitely blunt in a graceful way.
9. Beautifully wrap a gift: Hey, I'm an artist, I spend time on my gifts ;)
10. Say “no” gracefully: Yeah... Pretty sure I hurt the guy's feelings though I tried not to.
11. Whip up a great dinner with the five items in her fridge: I've been experimenting with pasta. recycled_sales started it all. But dayum those last chicken strips-sautéed veggies-paprika-Prego sauce manicottis were yum!
12. Forget pleasing him, by 30 a woman should be able to tell her man exactly how to please her: Er. Not yet.
13. Sew a button: This I do well and tight and they never come off again!
14. Mix a kick-ass cocktail: Y'know, I've never done that.
15. Take off her bra without removing her shirt: Within a few months I could. Like, duh?
16. Apply lip gloss in the dark: Yep, and also yes to without a mirror.
17. Balance her checkbook: I don't have a chequebook, but I've seen my parents do it so I guess it can't be that hard *shrug*
18. Create a budget: How 'bout I don't spend much buying superficial shit? Great budgeting eh?
19. Find the best deal: Yep.
20. Negotiate a salary and/or pay raise: Actually, the raise was offered me because I'd worked there before and knew how things should be done, etc. But otherwise I've never worked at any one place long enough to feel comfortable asking for a raise myself. 3-4 months just isn't long enough.
21. Read a map: I can read it, but ask me to find where we are while the car's moving and the other person needs to know where to go like now? Fail. Every car should have a GPS.
22. Hail a cab: No need, I have my handy bus pass.
23. Say something in French just for the hell of it: You asked for it! :D Donc, je viens de revenir de l'école. Il fait presque nuit noire, je n'ai pas encore soupé et ma fin de semaine commence... maintenant! Oh, et j'ai finalement acheté ma nouvelle carte OPUS pour l'autobus/métro... En fait ça m'a pris du temps à trouver la place où il fallait la faire faire, mais maintenant c'est fait! All right I'll stop. That's definitely showing off ;P
24. Apologize when she’s wrong: Yeah.
25. Dress for her body type: Yep and glad to say nothing flops out. Nothing disgusts me more than a girl who flaunts her curves for the whole world to see.
26. Change a flat (or know whom to call to come change it): Daaaaad?
27. Spot a fake (handbag, diamond, potential friend…) Friend, yeah. The other stuff, not so much.
28. Feign interest: Yeah.
29. Know what to tip on a $25 dinner bill: Um... no :S
30. Hold a baby (Hey, someone you know is bound to have one sooner or later): Yes, love holding something so previous :)

Yeah so today: I finally got my new OPUS bus pass. The place where they make the cards actually moved since last year, so there was a lot of searching like an idiot involved. This is downtown, guys :S and me being me, I didn't ask for directions but totally went AHA when I finally found it. Unfortunately that was just before my 1:30pm class and the line was long, so I went back after class and voilà, got my card after much urging by friends, since the cutoff date is fairly soon-ish (Nov 1st).

I may very well spend Halloween with my godson, which is so yay. I love holidays in general, not because of the candy or whatever, but because of the festive mood. Halloween is no different. Despite the fact that I'm too old to go around asking for candy, I do actually hand ours out to kids, all costumed and stuff. But sadly since no one really decorates/gives out candy/gives a shit in my area, we just get less kids every year :( So sad. So I'll be spending Halloween with a munchkin and try to keep the magic alive! Hopefully Petawawa's a more festive place than here.

life, public transportation, halloween, meme

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