In the north of China, there is a water drought. Why? Because the Chinese government is diverting all its water supplies toward Beijing. No... comment, it's been said before I'm sure. I just read about that, though, and... yeah. No comment. Water can't be replaced by money, people.
Spam: Now MSNBC has joined CNN in spamming me. What the hell? And we even get it in our fax here! Argh!
Damn, 24 Heures, where is my Mots Cachés? I don't care for your stupid double Mots Croisés. Give me hidden words and I'll find 'em, don't make me think. (you'd think that was horrid lol)
So, Canada is sucking pretty royally so far *siiiiigh* Zéro, niet, zilch.
I may be MIA this weekend. It will all depend on the bug level and Jo. Will keep posted.
P.S. I'm really not that pissed off. Morning = grumbly