UPS, voice, fic, and judo

Aug 11, 2008 09:53

On the other hand, I really, really hate UPS's plastic document sleeves. Breaking the scissors last week wasn't a very good idea, not that they were very helpful in opening the damn things. Grr.

My voice was unbelievably squeaky this morning as I took my first few calls. Ick. I sounded like a boy going through puberty. Honest! But it's much better now, thanks.

If you missed it last eve, I posted chapter 7 of Guardian.

Specifically for charma_10, but also for anyone, who was wondering: judo glossary. Some of the words are spelled differently than I learned, but this is pretty complete if you're looking for the general stuff like scoring, etc. The Japanese language is pretty neat, domo arigato gosaimashita. ;)


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