Who was your best friend?
Melissa. I felt I needed to have a stronger being to lug me around like a prize, though it surely didn't look it. I just needed someone to admire, I guess. I didn't really like her anyway. After high school she supposedly moved to Nunavut with her supposed boyfriend, but I wouldn't believe half of what she says anyway.
Who did you have a crush on?
I had a mad crush on Jean-François, who seemed smart (very smart! 90s in Math!) and quiet. I thought he was very mysterious, until I started to see who he hung out with. Let's just say I wasn't impressed.
But the biggest crush was on a guy who wasn't at my school. Kyle is the longest crush I've ever had. I lost my footing when he was around. For a time we practised judo together because he needed a good uke (partner who lets the other guy do everything to him/her) and I needed someone who was around my build. We fit together well. I don't think he felt very comfortable with me because when we did ne-waza (ground techniques) my favourite trap was to wrap my legs around his hips and then choke him ;P Hey, I liked the guy. But I do that to everyone anyway. He should have known that before he got scared and quit judo.
What sports did you play?
All kinds. I really loved our Gym class. I wasn't on any team, but I loved soccer, handball, and my favourite of all was badminton. I killed at it :DDD
Also, as I've said before, I did judo, but that was outside of school. I was still a blue belt by the end of high school.
What kind of car did you drive?
Drivers have to be at least sixteen to have a partial license. Many kids overlooked the law, but I still don't drive anyway. I took the bus.
It's Friday night, where were you?
Ballet class until 8:30pm, then maybe a movie, then writing in my pink room. Pathetic? Yes. I loved my solitude, what can I say?
Were you in the "In Crowd"?
Honestly, I think I was respected, but I wasn't "in". I didn't always wear the "dernier cri". But, anyway, pretty much everyone was fine with everyone. People just hung out together when they had more in common. There were some catfights and fights of the male kind, but everyone was cool with everyone I think.
Ever skip school?
Yeah. Twice. Religion class. Same teacher in both years. Like he even noticed anything in that stupid class. Or ever taught anything.
Ever smoke?
Eh, no.
Were you a nerd?
Whoooo yes. But I wasn't in the PEI programme, which is for the super nerds who live in their textbooks and can reference and cross-reference anything in said books. Gad, no. But I was amongst the smart kids. I liked it. In the end it gave me a better chance of getting into college
Did you get suspended/expelled?
Caducee was a model student. She could be a soft devil once in a while when her nerves were grated, but she was a right little angel.
Can you sing the Alma Mater?
The what in the how now? We didn't have a school song, dude. Quebec schools don't care for that sort of thing. And anyway, I probably wouldn't have cared to remember.
Who was your favorite teacher?
Probably Mr DiMarco, who taught Advanced Level English. I took his class twice. We didn't do much in his class except talk about the news and poetry and then MacBeth. Awesome, no? We laughed at this tape he brought in because of the actors' British accents, and then we watched movies. There was also this English teacher in 7th grade who was really francophone and who had us watching all sorts of really good movies.
Then there's Mr Camisa, who taught Math 526 and 536. I was in his 526 group. When you had a low mark, you could always up it the next time if your second mark was more than 5 or 10 poins higher. He divided the number of higher points by two, then added the result to your lower mark. That was really fair of him.
I really liked my Physics teacher, too. He made sure those who listened would understand perfectly. Problem was, I did, but I couldn't apply the formulas to my tests. Ah well.
There are more teachers I liked, namely my Arts & Communications teacher. He was a sucker for my art. ;P
Favorite class?
French. More often than not I would be in the highest marks of my class because I was a born francophone.
English was also very cool. I liked the atmosphere of "you're the Advanced class, let's do fun stuff instead of grammar". We had a blast taunting the Intermediate and Basic kids who had to do grammar and analyses and all that sort of drivel. We actually had fun for a change.
I loved Chemistry, but bombed my tests. I was good in practical, though. I always managed to have really fun labs. The one I loved the most was the test for NaOH. Awesome!
What was your school's full name?
École Secondaire Des Sources. We were on Lake blvd. The high school on Des Sources blvd. was called Riverdale. Go figure.
School mascot?
Our sports teams' mascot was a lynx. We didn't have a school mascot, per se. But my primary school's mascot was the best: a hippo!
Did you go to Prom?
Yep, I had a most princess-like white gown.
Where did you work?
I didn't. I only started working after my 11th year (senior year, in Quebec at least)
If you could go back and do it over, would you?
No. I liked my last year, save the rush to complete all the paperwork on time for college applications (that's the worst, for those of you who aren't done yet). I loved my dress, makeup and... hair could have been better. Thick, heavy straight hair that sometimes goes wavy but not often does not do with curls. No, no.
Last one, favorite memory of your Senior Year?
I didn't really do much except study, write, study, read and play sports. I was a dull student. But all those jokes we all had? Priceless. I loved it.