(no subject)

Jun 22, 2008 00:02

So, the first day or work.

It was good. I don't know if I have mentioned here, but it's an international news agency, so I get to write in English. Actually, I was hired because of my English, so I'm feeling really cool right now. I am the girl. :-)

So, the first day: I wrote three stories and learnt how to send them to our bosses, had lunch on McDonald's with my brother and left the office feeling... rewarded, relieved and downright happy!

Just changing the subject, I have a new cell phone. Well, not exactly new: my aunt changed hers and gave me her old one. So, I'm now a proud owner of a Nokia 2255 instead of a Nokia 2112. I know, I know, it's a rather old model, but I like not being the last person on Earth to have a cell phone with a black and white screen. Even if the 2255 doesn't have a voice recorder, and even if the 2112 has a better calendar.

Tomorrow I have the first admission exams for university (yes, another one; I love studying, just can't kick the habit). I still don't know what I want to do, but I'll find out soon.

shopping, work, feeling good, studies, cell phone

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