Dec 07, 2015 22:34
I am 33 now.
I am still in the same dead-end job. I feel simultaneously smart for sticking around, because the crisis is screwing with the media market, and a total loser. I still dislike my boss.
I actually have two jobs now - same company, two clients. New client is a cancer hospital. Press person at a cancer hospital. Oh well.
I lost one of the people I loved the most in my life to cancer last year. It will be the first anniversary of her death on the 19th. And I am working on a fucking cancer hospital, in the same floor where the infirmary for abdominal cancer (which she had) is located. Sometimes it is fucking hard. Sometimes I look at those smiling, energetic children, their bald little heads with small fluffs of hair growing, and I feel hope.
Still haven't managed to graduate - pending my thesis completion. Am in a limbo. Haven't read or written anything in three months because I am so very tired from to jobs. Also, so very uninspired.
My multiverse sucks right now.
feeling blue,