I finally got around to reading through a book a friend of mine gave me. He's a personal trainer (or was) and sent me the book when he learned I was working out and trying to eat right. He sent it April of last year, and I'm just now getting around to reading it. (Damn that pesky lack of time!)
The first chapter is about goal setting, and how you can't hit your goal if you can't see it. That made me realize that I don't really have any set goals. Yes, lose weight is the main one, but that could be thought of as an umbrella goal. I should set smaller goals that fit under the main umbrella goal. I'll edit this as I think of new goals.
Goal #1
I want to be able to do a full pushup. On my hands and on the tips of my toes. I can barely do ones even on my knees. I can go from Plank and Crocodile down into Cobra or Up-Dog, but usually my stomach starts to descend faster than the rest of me so I end up looking more like a bow than a plank. So my first goal is to work on that and then be able to push myself back up.
Deadline for goal: February 29, 2008
Goal #2
Right now, I can't make it from my house to the end of the neighborhood jogging. I can make it going downhill, but once it flattens out, that's it. I would like to be able to jog from my house, to the cul-de-sac, and back without feeling like I'm going to die. My first action towards reaching this goal is to get a new pair of shoes. Chris bought me new shoes probably a two years ago now (it could be less, I don't remember when he bought them) and while they work great for walking or for lifting, my shins start to hurt when I try to run. Doing research on Runner's World, the number 1 concensus was to make sure you have new shoes. So this weekend I will try to make it to Fleet Feet, where they specialize in running shoes. They make you walk and run on a treadmill and analyze your footsteps, how your feet are shaped, how you land, etc, and then bring out a dozen types to try on. Then you run on the treadmill again and probably outside as well, to make sure you're getting the best you need.
Deadline for goal: March 31, 2008
Goal #3
The last time I did major squatting of any kind, I did 135. Once. I have to say, that looks nice. A 45-lb plate on each side, down and then back up. I think I'd like to be able to do that ten times. That one will take some time, as I'm not comfortable doing heavy weight on squats unless I'm on the Smith machine, and that's almost like cheating. I'll give that one some more time so that I can perhaps work out with Chris and do legs with him more.
Deadline for goal: June 30, 2008
Goal #4
Bench press 100 pounds. Right now I can barely - barely - do 80 pounds. I think I can go up, but once again, it's going to take time. I'll have to use the Smith machine for flat bench; I'd rather do it without a spotter if I can help it, and at least I can get out from under the Smith machine if I can't get the weight back up.
Deadline for goal: June 30, 2008
Throughout all of this, I have to remember that I have to keep the focus on positive thinking. Those sneaky thoughts that keep creeping into my head HAVE to go! I WILL do this! I WILL meet my goals! And when I've met those goals, I'll start new ones! I need to always be working towards something. I have hypothyroidism? It's not going to stop me! I can't get myself up that early? Yes I can because I'VE DONE IT BEFORE. I hate being fat? Then I'll do something about it! I control my body, and therefore I control what I do with it, what I put into it, and how active I make it. No more "I'll try," instead it's going to change to I WILL. It's going to take some time to reprogram my brain into changing 20 years of negative thinking, and I"ll accept this, but I'll make it happen.
My ultimate goal of all ultimate goals is to go from looking like this:
To something similar to this:
I can do it.